
I'm babysitting a 9 ear old boy tonight. What activities should we do?

by  |  earlier

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He likes to go outside a lot.

And he likes to show off, so anything that could be potentially dangerous, don't suggest.

The job goes from about 5 to midnight, and all the time, he'll be up.

We'll probably watch a movie, so there's that.

Ideas for things to do outside would be best.





  1. Hide and seek, board games such as guess who and battleship, watching a new exciting movie he really wants to see???

  2. play baseball or catch, then come in have him help you make a pizza or something fun to eat for dinner, make him shower and get into his jammies, then you can make pop-corn and watch a movie

  3. That is way too young to be babysitting!!

  4. take him out to the park with a ball or something. play some board games like monopoly or chess? tv? video games? try to stay outside until it gets dark or something. any kind of sport will do. :D

  5. ride your bikes around the block.

    watch movies.

    play playstation or the wii or something if you have it.

  6. how about sleep...

  7. 1.Play bored games

    2.Practice sports you two would like to play

    3.Bake cookies

    4.Tell stories (maybe some scary)

    5.Pretend to camp or anything

    6.Play tag or any common games

    7.Play Video Games

    8.Let him have a friend over (make sure it is ok with the Parents)

    9.Make Cards for his parents with him

    10.Play something on the computer together

    11.Take a walk

    12. Ride scooters, bikes, etc.

    13.Bake anything else

    14.Pick apples or anything to pick

    15.Watch TV or a movie

    16.Blow up a bloon and try to keep it in the air, first one to drop it, loses.

    17.Do a trivia game with him

    18.Give him a prize if he is good

    19.Make Crafts

    20.Go somewhere like the park

  8. play some video games, go shoot some hoops outside

  9. At 9 I'm sure he won't get lost playing hide and seek, just give him guidelines on how far he can go and where and where he's NOT aloud to hide (like in cars, in Dad's garage etc).  If the sun is going down, use flashlights, just remember whomevers turn it is to hide turn your flashlight off when you are hidden. And speaking of flashlights there is always flashlight tag. Been years since I played so you can look up the rules or make your own up. But mostly, sit down with him and ask what he likes to do, make a list together and just have fun your plenty old enough to babysit, and old enough to know what is a safe game for a 9 year old.  You can always talk to him about it before his parents leave that way they can say yes or no to something he wants to do, believe me at 9 kids like to try to get away with things they shouldn't.  (I have 3 of them, 11 yrs, 12 yrs and 17).  Again just have fun, and trust your instincts. Obviously his parents already trust you or you wouldn't be babysitting him.  

  10. jump roping or hula hooping.

    blow a balloon up and play keep it up.

    have a water balloon fight if it's warm where you are.

    hide and seek might not be a good idea cause he could get lost.

  11. you could go to a park that might be near by and play there. or do something like a craft.

  12. bball, soccer, football, anything he has at home he probably plays  with and likes

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