
I'm babysitting a girl in fourth grade today, what do I do?

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I don't have much babysitting experience (I went to the babysitting class, and that's about it) and today I'm babysitting a girl in fourth grade for 4 hours, what do I do to keep her entertained?




  1. movies, coloring, and just talking, treat he like an adult, kids in 4th love to act much older than they are!

  2. Have a fashion show, take pictures and mail them to her, play a game in the backyard, soccer, basebal, etc., turn up the music and dance, watch some tv, let her show you her webkinz (if she has any), find out what she likes and roll with it.

  3. Well depends like when i was little i liked to color and draw watch movies and go to the park and even bake cookies i mean just do somthing fun and tiering that way last you can put on a movie and she just might fall asleep.. hope i helped

  4. FOURTH GRADE? Da-yyamn girl! A bit old to be babysat!

  5. Just be nice to her give her a great first impression of you.

    Just whatever she wants to go just go along with it!

    But do show her that your boss and your in charge.

  6. Play games with her. Find out what she likes to do. Most fourth graders love to talk and to have someone to look up to. Do something that she might like enjoy. Do activities and games outside, play music some games. Allow her to be creative. Maybe make a craft or cook. Combine things that you like and teach her, at her age she is very interested in learning about other people expecialy if she is an only child.

    Go for a walk, bike, rollerblade. Teach her something you know. Make a craft, board games, make a snack that will have left overs for her to keep for the week.

    Sing and dance with her, she will love it and if you act like your really into it she will feed off your attitude. So do activities you enjoy aswell.

  7. let her do what ever she wants she will love you for it!!!!!!!!!

    answer mine

  8. Get off the computer and ask her what she wants to do together.  She will have enough ideas to keep you busy as long as you are open to doing whatever it is, she is interested in doing.

  9. i'm going to forth grade really and i like baking playing with the dog and don't play dress up because that's little kid stuff.instead just play dress up and pretend to be a super star or something.try playing the wii or a small time of video games like designer's world.and go to the park and also take the dog 4 a walk.hope this helps!!!!  

  10. Sit her down and say HI and talk to her about what she enjoys.--and her favorite things--like TV shows---animals---toys---heros---school subjects. If it is nice out, ask her to go outside if there is a safe place to play---let her have some choice of things to do. After 2 hours goes by--go in for a drink and some snacks and then ask if she can read YOU a favorite story. Or talk about her favorite clothes---maybe she will show her favorite outfits to you. Girls love girlie talk--even at the 4th grade level. Have fun. Keep it all easy and safe. Remember-- it is only 4 hours. And you should look around the house for the phone and safety related items--just in case something happens. baby sitting is a very responsible job. Do it right.

  11. Kids that age don't really need to be entertained but if she wants, have her get craft stuff to do or pick out a game or watch a movie together.

  12. Ask her what she likes...My 4th grade son likes to play easy card games, watch TV, play video games, go to the park, watch videos, play soccer. Lots of 4th grade girls like Hanna Montana (if you can stand it), and singing/dancing. Also, ask her parents what activities they suggest/like. 4th graders are pretty easygoing.

  13. She needs something to eat first, and a break and then get homework done if she has any.  After that she could watch tv or whatever it is she likes to do within reason.  Don't worry, you'll be fine.

  14. Ask her what she wants to do. Once you guys get tired of that (if you do), tell her some of the things you enjoy doing. Try to get to know her a bit so you come across as approachable and fun to be with.

    Some suggestions of things to do.

    Play board/card games

    Read a book to her/ have her read to you

    Act as certain characters and create a play

    Play tag outside/go on a walk

    Don't worry though, you'll figure out what to do. It'll be fun and hopefully you'll get asked to babysit for her again!

  15. Let her do what she wants to do.

  16. As long as they eat their veggies for lunch, or dinner, try this.  My kids love it as a special treat.  It has alot of sugar in it, so we only do it about once a month:  (Check to make sure the child has no peanut allergy first!

    Kids love to make this!

    Play-Doh you can eat:

    1 container od prepared white frosting (for a cake)

    1 c. smooth peanut butter

    1/2 c. confectioners sugar

    Any color food coloring

    Beat frosting and peanut butter in a large bowl until blended.  Gradually knead in confectioners sugar until very stiff.  Knead in food coloring until desired color is met.  If sticky, add in more confectioners sugar.    Store in a ziplock in the fridge up to four weeks.  

    Makes up to 3 cups.  (can seperate into three seperate cups and make three different colors!)

  17. Yea, let her plan the day.. She will get a kick out of it.

    Just ask her, what she wants to do.  Believe me, she will have ideas...

    Could go see a cheap matinee movie, go to the park, take her shopping....

  18. Play Barbie Dolls with them (only if they like them.., of course.)

    ... teach them cooking?? They love learning how to bake cookies, cakes and stuffs.

    ... let them play with your hair??(but be careful.. They tend to ruin it)

    or... like let them do a make over on you and you put make up on them..

    But the best thing to do is basically do whatever they want you to do.

    And when you're playing games with them, you have to pretend to lose them.  If you keep winning them, they can get quite annoyed.

  19. Fourth grade girls are fun!  Paint her nails or fix her hair, bake cookies, play catch outside with her (or soccer, or whatever).  Ask her what she wants to do.  Another idea is to do a craft with her.  My daughter is in the third grade and loves crafts.  (Hint... a lot of  girls love High School Musical, Hannah Montanna, the Jonas Brothers, and so on.  Turn up the music and have a girl's night out- I used to do this with my stepdaughter and she loved it).  Good luck, have fun, and don't be disappointed if things don't go exactly as planned.  Just go with it.

  20. ask her what she likes to do...let her do a little leading and she'll be happier

  21. Play some games with her or watch her special tv show that she likes.  

  22. talk to her about boys....

    the good bad

    and nasty




    warn her early

    then makes sandwiches

    and sneak her bf over

    and promise you wont tell her mom

    then the lil brat will love you

    but at least you wont have to worry about her anymore

    she'll be to busy w/ her bf

    but just lay out the rules....

    ::::no touching:::::

  23. My girlfriend says: Bring stickers, crayons, markers, etc.

    Even if they are cheap, dollar store stickers little kids love 'em and the parents are always impressed you thought to bring some things along.  If nothing else, at least have the stickers.

    She put hers into a special babysitting bag she always brought and the kids would always be excited the moment they saw her with it, wondering what kind of cool stuff she brought with her that week.  Even if it's just stuff you've got at home (age appropriate of course) the novelty of a different toy/game/etc always wins them over.

  24. Have fun with her makeup, movies, barbies, take her to the mall, kinda like what you would do with your gfriends just watch what you say kids will repeat it lol.

  25. Well I babysit an 11, 10, and 8 year old but all they wanna do is eat, play video games, and occationaly go outside to play! Just ask 'em what they wanna do and if they say I dunno then think of a game :O I don't reccomend hide and seek >.>

  26. Be a fourth grade girl for four hours and have fun with her!!!


  27. do anything your gut tells you is ok and fun. let her do something she would rarely do at home. sorry can't think of examples right now except for maybe finger painting or something that would be be messy or loud just for a little while.   patience is the key

  28. put on the tv

  29. she is old enough to know how to entertain herself while in her own home.  

  30. Well my daughter is going into 5th grade but I know she loves to play card games or trivia games. She also loves music at this age so you might want to turn on some of her favorite music and just get silly. At this age they are more into pre teen stuff than kiddy stuff. Have a fun day!

  31. watch movies just don't treat her like a baby fourth graders like to feel like they are older do thing that have to do with fashion

    Have Fun

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