
I'm babysitting every Tuesday this summer, from 6:00 AM to 5:30 PM?

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I'm babysitting a girl who's going into the 4th grade. She's not girly and a tomboy. What are some fun things we can do (not tea parties or make-overs or anything like that)? Tomorrow is my second time babysitting her. What are some things I could bring along? I'm really kind of at a loss as to what to do.. Please help!




  1. Bring a ball, glove, soccer ball, tennis ball, or just bring over any gaming systems you have (DS, Xbox, PS3, w/e) or have some of her friends come over and they can play :).

  2. I'm sure she has her own toys that she's interested in!  You just need to come up with some imaginative games to play with her toys.  Get down to her level, act like a kid yourself and she won't even want any more toys!

    You can also play games like hide and go seek (BUT make sure to set strict boundaries and enforce them, with a time out if she disobeys them, so you don't lose her), tag...

    You can play make-believe games.  The little boys I babysit like pretending they are in a space ship (we make one out of couch cushions) and they get inside their ship and every few minutes, land on a different planet.  I pretend to be either a person stranded on the planet or a friendly alien.  They can do this for hours.  Make-believe games don't have to be girly, they are suitable for kids of any age or gender.

    If you really want to bring along toys, try colouring books/crayons, a soccer ball, a board game for kids...also, when you go back there, observe the type of toys she has in her room and that should give you some hint as to what she likes to play with.

    Good luck.

  3. ooh!

    teach her how to skateboard!

    or maybe teach her how to play an instrument

    have her ride a bike outside

    play soccer or volleyball

  4. take her for a walk, play video games, bring dress up clothes (lol jkjk) ask her what she wants to why would a 4th grader need to be babysat?

  5. play soccer,basketball,baseball/softball,skat... rollerblade, ride bikes, do a scavenger hunt in the yard, play in the sprinkler.

  6. You should find a project that you can continue to work on every tuesday.. Maybe a scrapbook, write and illustrate a book, make a quilt, mosaic art, anything from the arts and crafts store.. that way you both will see your progress every week and can be proud when it's finished! At the end of the summer she will have something to hang on to as a great memory!

  7. just bring porfumes, makeovers, girl videos

  8. First of all, that is daycare and not babysitting. I hope you are getting enough to cover the taxes you have to pay on that income.  

    As far as fun things, I loved board games and cards at that age.

  9. she might be very creative so birg some crafts or lots of movies. when there in 3rd 4th grade they love to sing dance and run around.

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