
I'm becoming convinced that maybe 2 generations from now, people might praise Bush for turning Iraq around?

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I'm becoming convinced that maybe 2 generations from now, people might praise Bush for turning Iraq around?




  1. You may be right. We will have to wait and see.

  2. Only through revisionist history.

  3. It is my sincere hope that people won't forget how he started a fake war, devastated our country's economy and national debt, ruined our foreign relations, and in general was just a dumb a**.

  4. The light shines through kudos!

  5. You might be right.  They would say that right before adding, "Now if he only did something about these Al Qaeda guys that keep coming over and blowing things up."

  6. lol. prolly, and then they'll hate the democrats for trying to change his plan.  

  7. ok and that would be true nobody else in the world was actually willing to take on that job.

  8. Dream on

  9. I guess you mean then that our history books will relate a fabricated story instead of the stark reality.  We'll be watching Hollywood movies with a Stallone clone beating off the hordes of savage Iraqis.

    And, we won't ever deal with the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi children, mothers, fathers, grandparents killed by Americans.  Or the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that will envelope the whole country.

    We're going to call suicide bombers cowards and jet pilot bombers as ultimate heroes even though the only person who would possibly lose a Plane in Iraq would be John McPlane.

    Yeah, the American way.  If history does us ill we'll just rewrite it!

  10. Around?  To what?  Those people don't want to become a democracy, so what change are you talking about?  As soon as we are out of there they will have a conflict with someone else, it's the Middle East, it will never  change.  

  11. If you mean 2 generations of Americans, you may be right.  America has a way of ignoring or changing history to make us seem like the good guys.

    And I bet that 2 generations from now, we'll still be PAYING for Iraq!

  12. I'm convinced that if McCain is elected, we'll still be there two generations from now!  If America is so convinced that they've turned things around, why are they refusing the Iraqi government's insistence that they withdraw?

  13. Two generations Iraq will be right back to where it was one hundred years ago, but with electricity and bigger buildings.

    How do I know?

    Except for the electricity and buildings, thats where they have been for the past six hundred years.

    Three countries smashed together by the British, that never wanted to be one country.  They have no reason to want to be one nation.

    And two of them want the oil of the third,

    and two of them want the third to change religion.

    And none of them want to change themselves.

    Bush has drained our economy, lost 4,500 troops, and thousands more injured.

    All for a country who wants us out so they can go back to hating each other.  Bush hasn't left more than a dimple in the sand.

  14. With political spin, the political ball could curve 360 degrees.  Ah, politics,  where truth is not politically correct.  I'm a conservative republican, by the way

  15. Then you must think that we will still have a large military presence in Iraq. Because the inescapable fact is, within a year of our leaving, no matter when that happens, Iraq will find itself with a full-scale civil war.  

  16. They always say you really don't know how good a president really is until a hundred years later so you may be on to something.  We might not be happy with the job he is done, but he may end up being one of the greatest presidents in history (which is very hard for any of us to believe!)

  17. You're probably right. People just don't want to go to war. Maybe they are scared, or just have morals. Either way I'm glad we got Saddam Hussien out of there and so is Iraq.  

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