I want to participating in the Olympics (swimming) because I want to win a medal. I want to be similar to Michael Phelps. I'm been discouraged because I didn't have training when I was young. I was told that I can only be a attorney, entrepreneur, physician, and /or a teacher. I do also want to be a professional (doctor, lawyer) but also swim too. I can compare a graduation ceremony vs. a medal ceremony. For example, the graduation ceremony is not on TV but the medal ceremony is on TV internationally. I want to become famous and be on commercials (ads). There are benefits of being famous; example: having a Wikipedia article about me and being. I started swimming when I was 9 in the summer time. I tried to dive but can only jump do I quit diving. I would swim rather to dive. The past days, I want faster than before but not that fast that Michael Phelps. I will try my best to be fast like him. What can I do to complete in the Olympics and be famous too? Should I join the YMCA for practice?