
I'm begging YOU.. HELPP...?!?!?

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High School is starting soon and I don't think I'm going to know alot of people.. I'm planning on eating eating in the bathroom

Whats a good self intro fitting of a 200 pounder that is 5' 4"? I don't wanto sound like a freak..

And how can I make buddies, its to hard to just start a conversation with random people and say hi and give thumbs ups




  1. Put yourself out there.

    Answer mine people please :D

  2. If you keep yourself away from people, people will be afraid to approach you because they will think you are grumpy.  A good way to make yourself seem approachable is to keep yourself clean and healthy, walk with your head up and smile.  Then people will see you as a nice person that they might want to meet, rather than if you scuffle along with bad posture.  Join clubs and meet your kind of people!  Always smile, and give compliments.

  3. to quote Ralph Waldo Emerson "in order to have friends is to become one" - you cannot have friends if you yourself don't want to be a friend to someone else. Having a friend is a two way process, a give and take relationship. Just be yourself and smile always coz' you may never know that your smile meant the whole world to someone else.

    Don't be too harsh to yourself, you are not a freak remember we are created in the image of God and if you say you are a freak then it is like you are saying God is also a freak ....^_^

    God Bless!

  4. Probably the easiest way to meet people is to talk to the people who you sit next to in class! Next time you have a question, instead of going directly to the teacher, ask the person next to you. When they answer say thanks so much! Whats your name?

    Another thing is join a club that interests you! That way you will automatically meet people with the same interest. Also just smile at everyone you see, people love friendly people, and if you seem nice, youll seem more approachable! Good luck!!!!

  5. One thing, don't sit in the bathroom. It seems like the only option, but don't. Just go up to poeple your intrested in and say, hey can i sit here? What if you look like a total freak. there freaks if they don't let you sit w/ them! anyways email me if u need more help..  

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