
I'm behind on bills and need to ask my employer for an advance on my bonus...any good excuses??

by  |  earlier

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will my employer look unfavorably on me if i ask them for an advance on a bonus??




  1. If you are a good employee that they trust, there should be no problems. There might be company policy on advances though that won't allow them. You should talk to other employees before you talk to your boss and see if anyone else has been able to get an advance. Above all, be honest. If you are not making meet, it doesn't have to be an emergency for your employer to want to help.

  2. but getting caught in a lie will look much worse. be honest but vague. say that you have hit some financial difficulties and would like to know if you could have an advance.

  3. Yes, it would be a bad idea.  You may not have earned the bonus and they may not be planning to give you one (my company ended monthly bonuses in January this year and told us not to expect them anymore) ... then you get the 'well we've been meaning to tell you that we're letting you go' speech.

    I wouldn't advise it.  Go to a bank and see if you can get a small personal line of credit.  But don't take more than you can pay back in a reasonable amount of time.

    You also ought to evaluate your budgeting, you may be living beyond your means if you need a bonus to survive.

  4. an advance won;t really help you, you'll be behind again as soon as they take the money back out of your pay - IF they even grant you an advance

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