My 10 year old daughter was invited to a birthday party for a boy she has known since kindergarten. The party was at our apartment complex pool/clubhouse, and I had intended to go with her. The day of the party, I woke up with an abcessed tooth, (I looked like a monster, my jaw was so swollen), and was in extreme pain. To make matters worse, I started my period, and no way would be doing any swimming on day one of THAT! I can see the pool from my balcony, my daughter can swim, so rather than have her miss the party, I let her go without me. The boys Mother was hosting the party, and apparently she was angry that I did not come. Her son told my daughter today at school that she talked about me all the next day, how I was a horrible mother, (she wrongfully assumed that I never even checked on my daughter, when I can see the pool from my balcony), he also heard her on the phone saying maybe she should call someone about it! I may be totally in the wrong here, but from the invitation, I wasn't sure if I was even invited to the party. The invitation was to my daughter, with no mention of "parents welcome", or I guess in this case maybe it should have said "parent required". This woman doesn't live here in the complex, and all I know of her is from school functions, ( she is very snooty to me) and of course her son has passed along things she has said about me for a few years now. (Apparently being a single Mom living in the same complex as her ex husband has made her dislike me from day one) I would have gone down to the pool, (looking like Frankenstein or not) and explained the situation, had she not always been so unfriendly to me. I plan on adding a note to her with the thank you card my daughter is writting her, should it be a polite "what is your problem", or an apology? I admit I was reluctant to let my daughter attend without me, so maybe I am the one who is wrong?