
I'm being stalked. What can I do?

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About 3 months ago I have been stalked by this man. He looks like he's in his 20's and he tried to persuade me into getting into his car. My brother left for college and lives in California now and he knows that so he bothers me alot now when I am alone.

He also calls me when I am alone and tells me these disgusting things he wants to do to me. I saw him peeping at my window and saw me undress twice! Me and my brother went to the police but I need evidence! What can I do to protect myself or get this guy behind bars?




  1. Tell it to leave you alone.

    Get a trace put on your phone.

    Once you have evidence they can charge him.

    Get a protection order.


    Security system.

    Why are you undressing without closing the curtains?  

  2. I agree with the woman who says Record Everything. As for buying a gun, maybe but that's not for everyone.  I would notify the police (even though they might not do much).  It is important to start getting it on record, especially for a restraining order to work.

    It's also important to know if he is just an annoying perv or a real threat. This might seem depressing, but I would suggest the book "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin DeBecker.  The title refers to not ignoring your gut instincts about people. DeBecker is a famous security consultant in LA.

  3. Next time he shows up, give him a blast of pepper spray and follow that up with a good kick in the nuts, he just may be a bit discouraged.

    Keep a camera handy for the next time he is peeping on you, this is the sort of evidence that the police need to take action.

  4. wow creepy!!!  ask a police man to stay for a little bit just so u can prove to him.. or take  a photo.  for now stay with a friend or family or boyfriend until the guy is cought u could be in danger.  

  5. Put surveillance cameras around your home, whenever he approaches, you will have the evidence necessary to lock him up.

  6. Record everything. Save any calls he makes, & have a video camera installed outside your house if you can. Try to snap a picture of him on your cell phone. Write down his license plate number. Keep a log of the incidents. Get a security system installed.

    Alert the police with this information. They'll be able to give you much more help than I. And please, please be careful.

    EDIT: I do think you should find a way to protect yourself, but it most likely takes time to get a concealed carry permit. In the interim, get some pepper spray.

  7. I'd say to buy a gun. Seriously, take a class on how to fire one properly. You need protection. Next time you see him looking at you in the window, take out a shot gun and point it toward him. I can guarantee that he won't come back.

    Get video of him peeping in. Take it to the police.

    If you can't get the police to help you ask then if they'd like for you to be raped by him first? They might help you after this.

  8. Using a hidden video camera try and ctach him saying these things or doing things like peeking through your windows. I personally would turn the tables and start doing really wierd and creepy stuff to him.

  9. Hide video cameras in the places he shows up, or somehow get a small one in a piece of jewelry, and record him doing it. take THAT to the police as evidence.

    hope he leaves you alone

  10. Please report this to the police.  I had a stalker once.  He pulled me out of bed and made me go with him.  As he held the gun to our heads later that day I really thought that was it for me.  This is nothing to shrug off or not take action on.  Heres an article that touches on my situation.  Maybe youll find something in it that might help you.

    Report really cant afford not to.

  11. Tell him to bugger off and if he doesn't then whip out some pepper spray... That'll do the trick. I'm not too sure how it all works but I think you can put a restraining order on someone without the need for evidence.. If he breaks that then thats all the evidence you need. Ask the cops again

  12. if you know the person's name you can request a restraining order against him.  You do not need evidence for that.  If the police does not help call an attorney whom can guide you on how to go about it.  If you are at all feeling threatened they have to help.  Besides you have evidence as he has called you so you can have them pull your phone records.  Good Luck and dont give up trying.  

  13. More to the point:  what have you done?

  14. If you need evidence. Then have a friend or family member follow your stalker. The stalker is bound to be outside your window in the near future. Have someone snap a photo of him or record him stalking you on their phone, their camera, or their camcorder.

    California has some strong laws against stalking, so this loser will be sorry when you get evidence against him.

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