
I'm being terrorized by a bug?

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Every time I go outside to water my plants, I have about 3.5 seconds to throw the water on and dash back inside. This bug seems to like coming around me and watching me freak out! I've sent my boyfriend out to squash it several times, however it never seems to come around him.

I know that several bee hives, wasp hives, and yes even hornet hives are around my apartment complex.

It's a huge (about the size of a quarter) black flying insect. It has a black and white striped body. The wings resemble a stealth bomber. I live in Kansas. It makes a very loud buzzing sound. This bug comes around me rain or shine. I haven't been stung by it (if it stings at all) but I give it little time do this.

Here's a picture that comes closest to looking like it, however the wings and abdomen are very wrong, only the colors match.

Any help at all identifying it would be appreciated! I'm tired of staying inside in fear!




  1. Lol im sorry but your question actually makes me laugh.

  2. Its a kind of wasp.Not familiar with the name.If it bites you, you wont have a nice time.Get a cat.

  3. my mom and i had this problem early in the summer. every time we would go outside, there would be one big *** bee chasing us, it was just horrible! i think theres a nest in my mailbox, and i know if seen them flying around other people's mailboxes. i think they're very territorial bumblebees, but the one i found, has stealth bomber wings. check out this website, you can like put in all the different characteristics of the bee, and it tries to decifer which species you're talking about.

    the very last option shows two pairs of wings, the wings i think you're thinking of are on the left.

    to get rid of this bumblebee? was quite a task. there has to be a nest around somewhere near your plants, break out the raid!! i didnt do it, my mom did lol....but im pretty sure she killed like 4 of them, and i havent seen em since.

  4. kill it quick

  5. There are many moths and flies that resemble bees for protection. I can't identify the insect on your description, but you may be able to find it yourself at It has many pages of insects, but the viewer letters are pretty fun to read and alot of them sound similar to yours! You should look through and maybe if you can't find it, the Bugman can answer your query.

  6. where is that lil motha i will f**k him ^

  7. buy some bug spray to kill it. You shouldn't be afraid of it though, because bees only attack you if they are startled or feel threatened.

  8. It's probably some type of bee. Are you wearing perfume, hair spray, or a strong scented deodorant? They are oftentimes attracted to scents like that.

  9. Bug spray?

  10. kill it those people who kill them

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