
I'm being told I should wait longer...?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone!

My wedding is set for April, I'll be 23 and my fiance will be 27.

We've dated a year before becoming engaged, and we're going to be married on our two year anniversary. But we've known eachother 4 years, it took 2 years of great friendship to realize we would go together as a couple.

Would you consider this rushing it? I don't.




  1. You both know when your ready. So dont listen to other people listen to your heart. My husband and I got pregnant a couple of months after we were dating. Sounds weird but we planned it we wanted the baby. We have been married for 9 years and our son will be 11 on friday. So every situation is different. Some people get married after only knowing eachother for one night. So if you both feel you are ready then you go get married and you have a wonderful wedding and a glorious life together. Congratulations.

  2. No, I don't think you are rushing.  You are 23 that may be why people are telling you to wait.  If you feel you are ready then go for it.

  3. 4 years rushing? Nope, I don't think so One main reason for engagements is to think about whether the wedding should take will have had 2 years as friends,  year dating and 1-2 years engaged...more than a reasonable time to know what you both want....good luck.

  4. No you aren't rushing it... most counselors would advise for the two people that are getting married to know (not just date) each other for at least 2 years before getting married...  

  5. This is not rushing it.  Go how fast or how slow you want.  It is your relationship, not anyone elses.

  6. No I do not believe that you are rushing it but I do think 23 is a little young to get married, that's all.  

  7. It sounds like you're right on schedule to me...not too fast, not too slow.

  8. no your in love go for it!

  9. I met my now husband on july 7 and we married april 12. What i didnt know is that 15 days after he met me he put a ring on layway. Our first official date he said he was gonna spent the rest of his life with me. i just shrugged it off.  I had already been married and divorce 3 kids. was this guy nuts...? He is my Prince, marriage is wonderful, we have grown together and made a vowe the divorce was never to be an option that we would work thru anything. We dont always agree, but we dont have to, I Love him for who he is and will accept that and i know he feels the same. God has blessed me.

  10. No you're not rushing it .

  11. Who's telling y to wait longer is it you family. friends. are they seeing something y don't want to look at . like are you and your bf getting along is he treating you with love and respect does he show respect for your feelings are you both working are you on the same page when it comes to your dreams. it's been my experince that if people are talking then maybe  their something you need to look at. the saying look before you leep might be in order

  12. I agree with you - I don't really feel it's rushing.

    Then again, it doesn't matter what I think.  It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks for that matter.  What matters is what YOU think - if you don't think it's rushing, then it's not rushing.

    My husband and I were together 4 months, then we moved in together.  We lived together for 9 months and then he proposed.  We were engaged for 3 months and then we got married.  

    So, we were only together for 16 months before we married, and we're very happily married. :)

    Do whatever you think is right for your relationship and future marriage.  If the two of you feel right marrying at 2 years then marry.  You shouldn't let ANYONES thoughts, feelings, or opinions on the matter stop you. :)

    Good luck.

  13. no this is not rushing it this is the same situation as it was with me and my husband and were still going strong congratulations and good luck  

  14. Hardly!

    My bestie just met, engaged, and married a guy in 3 months. THAT is rushing it.  

  15. No, I wouldn't say that's rushing it. Only the two of you can say if it's too fast or not. There's no rule book saying you should be dating for X amount of time and engaged for X amount of time before tying the knot.

    Congrats and good luck!


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