
I'm do i tell my parents??

by  |  earlier

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I like girls and boys how do i tell my parents??




  1. Im straight but I have a variety of friends that are bi and g*y. go to the one you feel most comfortable around (mom or dad) and say "will you accept me or love me no matter what?" and more than likely they'll say "Ofcourse sweetie! or something like that, you know how parents do. and then say "well, i think i kinda like both genders and i kno im young so you'll probably say it's just a stage but i'm pretty sure about this feeling." then they wont yell and scream at you because they'll ask questions like "well, when did you start feeling like this? and stuff like that. Oh, and make sure you tell them "Please dont judge me or feel like i'm different, I just figured that youre my parents and if anyone should know it should be you. suck up a little bit that will make them feel like they're the most important. Good luck!

  2. watch an episode of tila tequila together.

    go from there :)

    seriously, though, just be open and honest with them... let them know how worried you are to talk to them bc you love them and want them to accept and love you. they will have a tough time w/ it and eventually come to terms bc they love you.

  3. tell them straight up.

    if they don't like it, they're bad parents.

  4. set ur parents down and tell them this may come a shock to u and I don't know how u will react to this but I'm a bisexual

  5. Just tell them that you are in whatever way you could think of. Make sure to sound confident and relaxed.  

  6. exactly like this " mum, dad, yeah I'm g*y or bi or whatever. Okay? just so you're not guessing. Now you know"

    they are your parents they should love you either way

  7. Just throw out little hints. like omg shes hot and stuff like tht

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