
I'm bisexual but don't associate in the g*y scenes?

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Even though I'm bisexual I just don't believe in associating in the g*y many other g*y/bi guys are like this? Its because most of the g*y/bi guys I know is all about s*x..clubbing..and getting drunk. Its definitely like that at some g*y parades and what not. I hang around mostly straight guys because I get tired of all the drama. Okay put it like this from experience and vision...alot of guys in the g*y community just tends to be all about s*x and stuff and I'm a romantic type of guy. The g*y friends I know used to be my s*x buddies and stuff.

Now people if you don't have anything nice to say PLEASE DO NOT answer to my question (I hate that). This is Yahoo Answers and I have a right to ask anything I wish that I'm curious about...I don't care if its a stupid question or not...this is something I've noticed and want to hear others feed backs! Thanks!




  1. I'm the same way, for some of the same reasons & some different. I don't like the "g*y scene" because its all about striving to be part of the "in crowd" and filled w/ all the drama, social hierarchies, & backstabbing one would expect to find in a high school. I like being around genuine people, regardless of s*x, sexual orientation, or personal beliefs.

    Also, doesn't having a g*y community that segrates itself from main stream society kind of hypocritical? I know so many g*y guys who will not associate themselves with anyone but women & other g*y men....I will never understand that. I love hanging out with my straight guy friends. It was one thing that actually ended my relationship w/ my ex. He believed that all straight men were agressive backstabbers and tried to convince me to break those friendships.

        My life is about having fun, build deep bonds with genuine people, and living life to the fullest. So for me the drunken/sexually agressive groping and grinding of the g*y club scene, and the self-segration & reverse prejudice that seems to surface in the g*y community just doesn't fit into my life.

  2. That's completely fine, just because your bisexual doesn't mean you have to get on with other g*y or bisexual people, you have completely separate personalities.

    In fact it's always annoyed me that many people i know assume one g*y guy would get on amazingly with another just because they share that one characteristic, sure it defines you in a way, but it doesnt define you completely.

    I hope my opinion helps.

  3. .

  4. Be yourself and don't let other people drag you down.  Most bi folks are not in the flamboyant g*y scene.   That is one of the big issues with your persuasion in that people from both hetro and g*y sides don't want to accept you.

  5. well I'm g*y and have been g*y for some time and i understand you fully.


    i don't care for the drama and the drugs all all that other c**p but I'm also a romantic so i guess thats why I'm not addicted to s*x

  6. I am g*y, but I am not a scene kid.  I like to go out every now and then and have drinks.  I don't disagree that the "g*y scene" is mostly about s*x, clubbing and drinking.  Is the straight "scene" about anything more?  No.  I have many straight male friends, in fact I have mostly straight male friends, why?  I don't know.  Now, I have met just as many hopeless romantic g*y guys as I have straight guys, and that's a lot.  I am sorry you feel that all g*y guys are oversexed alcoholics, but we aren't.  The "g*y community" is much bigger than the "scene kids" that go out and party every night.  Aren't there any g*y groups that participate in community activities in your area like flag football, softball, etc.?

  7. there's no problem with that.. im a romantic guy too.. i just dont hang out with other people that much even for straight or g*y guys..

  8. ok well ima tell you this, i was tha same way she was tha only gurl thart i had ever loved and fell in love with but i stopped talkin to her when i found out that it was an abomination in tha bible and that God would never forgive you for that. i am not against it but i just dont do it anymore. baby maybe you need another taste of another thing and get cha groove somewhere else you know like tryin sumthin new and seein whats out there. somebody will fit your type i promise you that, give ya gurl a call sometime and let me know or hit me up on my email adress and we can chat okay i check it every otha day so hit me up iight! be easy! dis be ya gurl Choc aka Cece is what they call me round here!

  9. Here goes:  I'm a UK male, openly and active bisexual in my mid 40's, and like you I don't do the g*y clubbing scene.  I am however a Goth, nice thing about the UK goth scene is that a very large percentage of the men and women would consider themselves outsiders and open minded, leading to there being many other bisexuals in this scene.  So very few people in this scene are judgmental, and most are very open about their sexuality without being s*x mad.

    It's not a stupid question by the way, I think a lot of TRULY bisexual men probably feel uncomfortable in the g*y club scene. Fini.

  10. now I see why I dont date bisexual guys

  11. I'm g*y. I would say my friends are mixed 50 50. I don't really do the g*y bar scene, but I'm not young anymore. I don't have an issue with it. I think that my orientation is just one part of me and I'm happy to acknowledge all sides. So I just hang with people I like.  

  12. I am g*y, and in the scene. But I hate it. For all the same reasons you for you do, not to mention drugs. I do it because I feel that's what's expected of me, to be with "my own" and yeah, I get that it's sad, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes...

    Good on you for going out on a limb and against the norm.

    (BTW there are plenty of guys not on the scene, I just don't know how to meet them)

  13. just be yourself man. and do what you feel confortable doing. i cant realy figure it out. so follow ur heart man.

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