
I'm board when i stretch so i just stop!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i do the streach and i get board i mean i put on music t.v. the whole 9 yards .....i dont know what to do while i strech i really really want to get my splits and everything else down i just get so board can u help?




  1. I usually stretch in front of the tv.    I make little games/goals for myself.

    Like,   I'll stretch this leg until the end of the commerical break.    or I'll hold this position until __________  happens.

    I dont always stretch straight through.  I get  bored and stop or I get entranced with the tv and forget, but I restart as soon as I can and keep going.

  2. What you should do is put some up beat music on and stretch to the beat of the music. I do it and I don't get bored at all!

  3. listen to music/radio

    watch tv

    after stretching your leg, get up and kick your legs around for awhile.  this helps to loosen the tension in your hips and to relax and have fun a bit

    i personally stretch and scrape nail polish off my nails at the same time :)

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