
I'm bored and I live in a place where there's nothing to do. Any ideas?

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I'm bored and I live in a place where there's nothing to do. Any ideas?




  1. Read a good book.

  2. why dont you join your local goat association?  this would be a great hobby for you.

  3. string some fishing line across your side walk so it will catch bike riders in the neck area and sit back and watch.  or tape it if you can then put it on you tube.

  4. answer questions on yahoo. =P

    orrrr watch a movie, listen to music, start a journal, try new makeup ideas, take a nap, make cookies, read a book, design a clothing line, take a walk, take pictures of random things outside. the possibilties are endless!

    good luck! =]

  5. Make your own fun with friends.

    Many things to do if you use your imagination. Be thankful its boring, at least you're safe.

    Rather dependent  on where you live.

    Or just move elsewhere. That always becomes interesting the further away from home you go.

    My brother was 19 when he left home to go around the world

    as a hitchhiker. Took him three years. Saw everything!

  6. volunteer for something - community groups always need more people, get an allotment (ie grow fruit, veg,flowers) - there will always be something to do

  7. bit someone.. pet or little brother .. or

    just wach on wall and imagine that your waching your first created movie.. -- go to the street help some old women, with passing the street..

    or just open the window and trow water to people who passing by ,,.. every kinde of process is possible if you are an inquisitive one.

  8. take up any hobby , or better still organise your own club [indoor or outdoor]have lots of members ;and of you go

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