
I'm bored husband?

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my wife has temper. she is cold like ice. we havent had s*x for 6 months. I'm very active and need s*x but me plz




  1. There is a reason she is acting cold and short-tempered.  The most important way for a man to show he cares is through s*x....and to us ladies, we feel the most important way is through communication.  Talk to her.  Find out what is wrong.  Apologize if need be.  Fix it.  She isn't going to give you s*x if she's upset about something else.  Sometimes we get sick of being the ones to always confront you when there is an issue because it makes us look like complainers.  Let her know you have noticed she is acting cold and that you want to "fix" things.  She'll be so impressed, she'll spill it all out, apologize, and then have s*x!  Good luck.  If this doesn't work and there is a deeper issue at hand you may consider counseling.

  2. Just a heads up: I’m pretty sure it’s never ok to defecate on your marriage so I’d say the hooker’s are out.  Besides, doing that would only enrage your wife more *duh* Almost every woman I know bases her relationships on communication.  I’d try talking to her and some serious masturbation in the mean time.  If she’s not open to your conversation see if she’d go talk to someone either alone or with you.  Or offer different things like a s*x therapist or changing things in the bedroom.  A close friend of mine went through the same thing he said it best with his comment about s*x; “Sex is like oxygen, not very appreciated until you’re not getting any!” as he pretended to gasp for air.  And while s*x is important it shouldn’t be the only staple that holds your marriage together and if it is I’d reevaluate your relationship.  Good luck.

  3. Why ask this in the DINING OUT section?

  4. If you Love her go to her with this problem... If no answer.... Use your hand or leave her....
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