
I'm bored of studying, but i seriously know NOTHING...?

by  |  earlier

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i can't get motivated, so tomorrow is my sort of cram day, do you seriously think i can learn everything by monday, i understand it all, but i just need to remember it all




  1. ++we have the same situation and just like you..I know nothing at all either..But this time,,I'm trying to study harder few days before the exam or whatsoever..just FOCUS and STUDY!!

  2. You need to have goals. What do you want to do with your life?  If you think studying is boring, try frying french fries all day or sweeping floors. An education means the difference between public housing and a minimum wage job and a successful life.

  3. Okay the best way to do ANYTHING you don't want to do is stop thinking about, stop talking about it,  and just do it.  Remember though: quiz yourself, quiz yourself. Also get to class early to quiz somebody else and help them quiz you.

    I did the same thing in school and believe me - it's harder to put off studying and cram it all in than it is to just set aside twenty minutes a day.

    BUT concerning your current problem: look to your chapter reviews at the end of each chapter. Answer those questions- quiz yourself. Skim through everything you have to cover and memorize everything in BOLD.

    USE the practice questions(at the end of every chapter) by writing those down first and answering them.

    Start now and get at least  8 hours of sleep before tomorrow. you need to be well rested or none of it will absorb.

    Pulling an all-nighter ( in ADDITION TO DOING IT TONIGHT AND ALL DAY TOMORROW)  will only be successful if you're working off of eight hours of sleep. Eat lots of protein too. Like oatmeal,meat, fish, poultry. Now is no time to go without carbs. carbs and protein are BRAIN FOOD.

    IF you have multi vitamin, take one. IT will actually help- but don't procrastinate any more. Good luck! If you do your best, you'll  do well !

  4. When you cram you forget everything right after the test. Put it this way. If you crammed in medical school I would NOT want you operating on ME. That's extreme but you get the point.

  5. no, definately not.

    you should study 3 weeks in advance, cramming days make it worse.

  6. you should always be organized always study in advance like study one subject on one day and the next subject the next day and always quiz yourself on what you learned so far, or have somebody else quiz you.

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