
I'm bored out of my mind at least once a day

by  |  earlier

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I get extremely bored every single day! It usually happens around 5:00 - 10:00 pm. My parents usually don't want to go out of the house then.

Is this constant boredom OK for me?

Is there anyway to cure this extreme boredom?





  1. go on a walk, walk the neighbors dog, do volunteer work, help out at the local old folks home or hospital, this will keep you busy, the community will benefit and it will make you feel awsome.-blurey

  2. Try finding new hobbies, go on the computer; youtube, prank calling (be careful don't prank 911), or watch a scary or funny movie (if you have any)!

    Be happy ☺

  3. If you are bored....check otu these Jacks personal ad Jacks excersice vid Jack the wild man Jacks second personal ad Jack pre youtube Jack's Widl ride of Dance  

  4. How old are you that your parents won't let you outside at 5:00 pm.  Do you have any friends that live close by?  If you do, do your parents know who they are?  Have you tried inviting a friend over your house after 5:00?  That can be fun. Also, hobbies are good, try learning an instrument, or drawing, painting, writing stories.  These things can keep you entertained.   Knowing how old you are would help me answer you a little better, I don't know why your curfew is so early (I understand 10:00, but five seems quite early), do you live in a dangerous area?  

    Maybe, you should tell your parents you are bored, and ask them for advice.  

    Good luck to you.

  5. It is normal to have boring times when you are young.  Try to find a new hobby like answering questions on here.  That takes the boredom right out of my life.

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