
I'm breastfeeding and I'm starving ALL the time. Is this normal?

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My son is 7 weeks old and breastfeeds a LOT. Contrary to what a lot of people say, I'm not getting my figure back because I'm ravenous all the time (the phrase 'I'm so hungry I could eat the a*se off a scabby horse through an electric fence' springs to mind).

I'm eating healthily (and unhealthily - basically I'm eating anything that isn't nailed down, though I buy mainly healthy food so that's what's in the cupboard) and drinking plenty of fluids but it's like dropping a scone into the Grand Canyon.

Is there anything I can do to reduce my appetite - or does anyone have any recipes for HUGE meals that aren't too calorific but really fill you up.




  1. yes shamu, it is perfectly ok to turn into a whale. you are married now, have a kid, it's nature's way of making you unattractive so you never stray from the family unit :)

  2. Yes dear, it is normal1 very normal!

  3. i was the same way... don't worry, just make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids.

    don't be in such a hurry to get back into pre-preggo clothes.

    your baby is sucking you dry, specially at this point where a growth spurt is happening.

    You can eat a bakery and the next second be hungry, i know i did it!!! lol

    I would say to stick to snacks and not big meals. that way even though you are continuously eating it's not like you are consuming heavy meals over and over.

    Please dont confuse being thirsty with being hungry, many people do it. As you are feeding make sure you have at least an 8 to 12 oz glass of water. see if that makes a difference.

    hope this helps!

  4. Yes its normal! You're losing milk every day so you don't need to worry about being hungry. Don't restrict yourself with food - make sure you eat as much as your body wants so that your milk stays at a high quality. You won't get fat from all the food coz you are losing so much milk. Don't worry- everything sounds normal!  

  5. Yes its completely normal, you need extra calories to allow you to produce milk. Your appetite will settle down in time and you will start to lose weight. You just need to go with it for now, as long as you are eating healthy stuff most of the time that's ok.

  6. Well done with continuing to breastfeed, it really is best for your baby! You need about 2500 calories, a little of what you fancy does you good, so as long as you try to have a little of each food group a day you will be eating quite healthily, a couple litres of fluid and as much rest and bonding time with your baby as you can manage. Try skin to skin sessions and or a bit of baby massage to increase your oxytocin levels which help with increasing the milk supply. Forget trying to get your figure back just yet! You have just grown a beautiful baby inside of you and you need to get to know him and enjoy him, this time is precious and goes past too quickly, make the most of it! Ask your Health Visitor if there is a Breast Feeding Support group near to you, they are not just for problems but are groups run by mums to give support to other breastfeeding mums.

  7. Don't worry about the figure until you and baby are ready to reduce breast feeding.  

    Pasta will fill you up and give you plenty of energy.  Salads and vegetables with fruit are good for you and the baby (except the nappies of course!) but you need to fill up on starch as well.  Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day, i.e., porridge, cereal for breakfast.  Mid morning a bit of home made cake (if you have time) or a healthy biscuit bar.  Lunch time have something like a jacket potato with cottage cheese, ham, baked beans, grated cheese, mix and match whatever takes your fancy alternate with sandwiches filled up with salad and a protein.  In the afternoon make sure you are keeping up your liquids, lots of water is good, tea when you want it but have an apple or banana or whatever fruit fills you up.  Have a good evening meal with rice, pasta, potatoes or if you have soup take bread with it.  Before bedtime just top yourself up maybe a milky drink or a slice of toast and marmite, bovril, marmalade etc.

    If you are out during the day with baby and the pram you will be getting good exercise walking.

    Ask your health visitor for some help.  Good luck and enjoy this time with your baby, do not beat yourself up over anything - Mum's have a habit of doing just that.

    Oh and if you feel like a bit of chocolate - have it - it will do you good.

  8. its normal to be so hungry . I'm still breastfeeding my son who is now 12 months old ,and i still get really hungry. also my weight didn't start coming off until my son was about 6 months old ,and now I'm still about 10 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight, but i think ill keep hold off that until i finish breastfeeding , because when you breast feed your body naturally keeps some weight in case you  become very ill and can not eat so you have back up fat to keep you milk supply going .

    good luck and keep up the good work .also enjoy your food  

  9. It's completely normal, I was like that too.  I'm breastfeeding still now she's 11 months and my appetite is much less, but still more than before having her.  I was just like you - food was constantly on my mind, and though I mostly ate healthily I could easily sit down to a 'couple of biscuits' from a pack and then turn round and find I'd eaten the lot!  Try making foods like vegetable lasagne - they're not too calorific but taste good and will fill you up.  If it helps, I didn't deny myself anything - figuring that I'd lose the baby weight eventually and that my daughter being well fed was the most important thing.  I now weigh 17lbs less than before becoming pregnant, so just eat healthily (most of the time) and when you're up to it start taking walks and your baby swimming and the weight will come off!  congratulations!

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