
I'm broke! Anybody has any money to give me? Please???

by Guest57729  |  earlier

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I just got paid & all I purchased was food. The price of food is ridiculously high! I spent over $1300 & still did not get everything I wanted. It's just my hubby & children.....I used to spend approx $500....Stresssssssssssssssssss!!!

I need another job! Can anyone help?





  2. $1300 on food? You gotta downgrade the type of food you buy.

    Ppl giving you money will only fix your problem one time.  Learning to spend less will fix it forever.

  3. I have a feeling dat d $1,500.00 she gettin is after travelling and other expenses, insurance,nis, health surcharge etc..... if not well something wrong with that salary!

    But I see d point ur trying to make d price of basic food items are ridiculously high and nothing is being done abt it! Try and cut back on some of the stuff u buy, for now only get the most important things u need... although it will be hard, it is a start!

  4. Girl I see your plight - but you can spend less if you buy wisely!  My grocery bill was average $1200.00 without Milk, Pampers and Juice - I shop at Hilo and Pricemart.  Then I got smarter and here is how I shop

    1.  Not everything in Pricemart is a GOOD DEAL!  For instance they band three soft drinks for $27.00 - the same soft drink in an average grocery is $6 to $7 so yuh losing big time!  But their cheese is worth it.  I buy something in bulk like ketchup, macaroni, flour, rice (so it lasts me about 2 or 3 months the ketchup last 6 months and its only $20.00 for 6 packs)

    2.  Hilo dosen't offer much deals or banded offers, so I scan through the newspapers and if Jumbo Foods has peas 3 tins for $10.00 then I'll buy it there - you try to get groceries nearer to where you are living or working.

    3.  Granted that I am not a big fan of the Market - I go once in a blue moon!   But buying fresh produce in a grocery is pricey!  So I try to make a Charlotte Street trip once a week in the afternoon - you get bargains (Wednesday I bought Watermelon for $1.00 per pound) especially when the vendors are set to go home.

    4.  Listen and be aware of promotions or deals - (be weary though, some people scam us too)  NFM is having a sale on Saturday and Sunday at their warehouse.

    And of course we buy what is useful and practical - so I stopped buying the frozeen french fries (I peel my own) and I look for canned peas when they have a deal and buy plenty (watch the expiry date)  and buy meat in bulk to save etc

  5. Girl....ah know how yuh feeling. We usually buy 3 pounds of cheese at the market every other Saturday. Yuh know how much for 1 pound of cheese? 25 DOLLARS. Unbelievable! Sometimes 4 or 5 items at de supermarket equals $200. It is getting ridiculous now.

    Borked: She's talking about food prices in Trinidad and Tobago. That is the average price of monthly groceries in our country right now, believe it or not.

  6. This is insane! It seems as though after you make your grocery shopping you have no money left for anything else. I feel for you sweetie because I know you're serious and this ain't no joke.

  7. dread i feel like i does get pay in front of ah hurricane all de money does blow way.

    Check de papers for a part time  job and you may have to cut back on some items

    Wait till child come into the picture, then you see how fast money goes..

  8. Well maybe it's a matter of where you shop. Like you I shop for 2, but I don't go every month, in fact I go every 3mths and I pick up a lot of things that are more for pleasure than purpose and last grocery bill for 3 mths (March) was $900tt. so an average of $300 per mth.

    That was by Extra foods grand bazaar.

  9. Curious have it bess dey!!

    if u follow some of those u can surely cut back on expenses...

  10. what kind of job are you looking for ?? ihope your husband is employed and will be able to assist to meet your financial needs if not well sweetie be thankful atleast you have food, somewhere to live and someone who loves you - but back to your intial issue what sort of job are you trying to get ?? and errrr how on earth are you working for $1500 ? is it a part time job ?? cause the minumum wage is $10 and working with that as a base if you worked atleast 8 hours per day for five days for four weeks then you should be atleast making $1600 .........further with a personal allowance of $60,000 why are you even being taxed ??? so either you're shitting us or you need to bring this issue up with your employer ......

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