
I'm building a pole barn by myself. I know the basics. Can anyone help me with tips?

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I'm building a pole barn by myself. I know the basics. Can anyone help me with tips?




  1. Book: Working Alone by John Carroll

    (You're into a lot of heavy high lifts there.)

  2. Lay it out correctly, string lines, make sure it is square. if you dont lay it out correctly, your asking for trouble later on.  make sure your posts are longer than you need.  your not going to dig the holes the same.  set your posts, then after the cement is dry,  then cut the posts to length.

  3. I have built several houses but never a pole barn, and since I want to put one up myself I will be watching your other answers.

    My best advice is to pour your floor first (if you are having a cement floor)  I have worked on several pole barns that have added a floor after the build and think the pour should be done as the post are set.  

    If you are going to put in a cement floor I would also encourage you to consider radiant heat (depending on your climate) in the floor.  I have it in my house and garage (I keep my garage about 50 in the winter) and highly recommend it.  Nothing like working on a warm floor.

    I realize that most pole barns don't have a poured cement floor or only have one on one end.

    Good Luck

  4. You will defiantly need HELP! It is not a one man show! Just be sure to get the base sqaure and set all the poles inline. I hope you have a tractor with a PTO to dig the holes and lift those big 6x6's.... once you have the building framed the rest is pretty E-Z....  You could even check with the people who build them what they might charge just to "frame" it and you will finish it!!!  Good Luck!!

    I had one built this way... Had them come out set up the framework... roof rafters and even roof it for me( because I dont like heights) it was a 40x60 and cost me less than 10k to complete!!

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