
I'm bulimic and want to get help, but i'm too scared to ask and and scared about how people will react.?

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I have been bulimic for around two years, it gives me a great sense of control in my life and helps me cope with things. I know I need help, but don't know how to approach anyone about it or what i should say. I feel very desperate right now, but i can't tell my parents. I'm scared of how people will react, i'm sure they will be disgusted with me because im disgusted in myself for what i do. How do i tell someone and get help?




  1. Hi Carla,

    I have been in teh same position as you a few years ago. I remember being so shamed and scared to tell anyone. The first person I confided in was a teacher and maybe this is something you could thing about doing or even better a school counsellor if you have one?

    I have no been getting treatment for other mental health problems including depression which all probably stem from the same issues that the Bulimia did.

    There is nothing to be ashamed about, I know you will find that impossible to believe and think that people are just telling you that and they don't understand but it's true. By getting help you also don't have to tell everyone, just people you want to. You do have the right to se your GP and for them to hold confidentiality. GP's see so many people with problems like yours everyday and I used to think that people just said that to make me feel better but I now see my GP regularly and I can assure you it's true so many people visit their GP regualrly for mental health issues.

    There must be something bothering you deep down that maybe your not even aware of that is resulting in you feeling out of control and having to use bulimia to help..i understand that it helps you cope as well but it's an exhausting and controlling illness in itself and you think your the one in control until you try to stop and then you can't.

    My honest opinion would be to sit down and think of all the possible people you can approach with this first and chose one and sit them down and tell them or write it down and hand it to them, even if it's the GP. You have nothing to be scared of, i know the thought of opening up is scary but the act itself isnt at all as bad.

    anyway i wish you the best of luck!

  2. As hard as it may seem getting help now is your best bet without furter compllcations. I  also suffered with it for nearly 20 yrs,and have so many health problems now,your family and friends most liklely already know,and your family doctor and dentist positively know! I can tell you anything you need to know if you wish to personaly E-mail me,

  3. First of all you're wrong about how people will react. You should tell your parents or the nurse at school. Or there are usually mental health hotlines in most states and counties.

  4. Congratulations on deciding to get help. I'm proud of you! I would sit down and have a serious talk with your parents. Present them with a lot of information on the disease so that they can get educated about it. They wont be disgusted with you they will be proud of you because you came to them when you needed help. I don't know if you are in school, but if you are go to a school counselor and ask him or her if she would be able to schedule an appointment with you and your parents. By having a counselor involved it will make it easier because the counselor can help guide the conversation. Educate them, and keep them from being upset. I truly wish you the best of luck. Take care and i am so happy for you for you deciding to get help.  

  5. Fear is common ... so is death.  See a Doctor .

  6. Bulimia is more than binging and vomiting. It's a psychological disorder that involves all sorts of monsters. One of my daughters was bulimic. When she wouldn't quit, her doctor told her very simply, "in one week you will have to go to the hospital, and you might die soon."

    He wasn't trying to scare her, but being bluntly honest.  If you do not get help, Bulimia will cause you to die. It's your choice.

  7. whenever you want to eat and vomit remember the hunger in africa

    its horrible trust me

    whenever you want to vomit remember babies that you might not be able to have because you messed with your hormones

    don't be afraid of asking for help

    what you are into is horrible more then saying plz i need help

    there are lots of on line websites that help you ,and hot lines that wont ask you about private information,  

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