
I'm buying a property that has registered stables on it but I do not have a horse myself.?

by  |  earlier

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Would I be able to rent these out even though I don't have any experience with horses. And what would I ask for rent ?




  1. yes you could but most places charge about $120 if you are willing to provide the food and vet bills but about $50 if the renters paid for everything.

  2. yes u would. 50.00 a horse

  3. It really depends on the location and barn type for how much you would charge. For instance I board for $700 a month at a show barn in Middleburg Virginia, right in the middle of horse country.

    I would suggest you go to a tack store and if they have a bulletin board, which most do find a close match to your barn and ask a similar price. Make sure that the equivilent barn is not a full board stable unless you want to muck stalls and feed the borders horses.

    If your interested in renting out the place I suggest that you find a trainer or a barn manager to take care of the barn as necessary or to advertise as a self service barn meaning that all you do is supply a roof over the horses heads and do not get involved with issues of feed and other necessities.

    Personally I truely feel that your best option is advertising the space to a trainer who wants a barn to work from.

  4. yes 50 each or treat yourself to one

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