
I'm buying a small prop air plane. Should i get trained in sky-diving for emergency purposes ?

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I'm buying a small prop air plane. Should i get trained in sky-diving for emergency purposes ?




  1. oh yeah, excellent idea. sheeesh.

  2. Small plane seats aren't designed to accommodate a parachute, and you'd never be able to put one on in the small confines of the cockpit before hitting the ground.

    Get a parachute for the plane instead!

  3. No, it would be a useless skill to have in that situation.  Worry about learning how to land an airplane in an emergency (e.g. with an engine failure).

  4. depends on the plane.  most planes the door swings open forward making it impossible to bail out in flight.  most ultralights fly so slow and low to the ground that it wouldn't be practical to jump out of them.  bigger planes like stearmans and wacos have open cockpits that assuming the plane is steady you can jump out, but then again if it is steady why would you jump out in the first place?

  5. Hahaha goodluck  jumping out of a small prop plane.

  6. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea.  

    I mean, even if you never HAD to, skydiving has to be fun.  

    P.S. - congrats on your plane!

  7. if you don't know how to answer this question you shouldn't be buying a small airplane.

  8. I have never known anyone to get trained in skydiving because the are getting a small aircraft. I have done aerobatic flying and i was required to wear a parachute during, but was never trained in skydiving.

    On another note - I have skydived and its a blast, you may want to do it just for fun!

  9. i would say you dont need to. in the local aviation club were restoring a 1929 Great Lakes Bi-plane that belonged to Tex Rankin. but anyway i was going to say there is a big whole in the seat and i asked why to one of the pilots and they said the seat pads were parachutes. but where not putting any back in it. were going to  make cushions for it.

  10. It would be fun, but totally useless for emergency situations in your small prop plane

    A small prop plane.... its easy to land it, even in an emergency. It represents a significant investment, so I don't see why you would ditch it and total it for sure. You can land it anywhere, with minimal damage. Trust me, you don't want to jump out of your aircraft. You'll regret it later, you'll be thinking it over, and thinking you could've saved it. With a small prop plane. You can! If you jump out, assuming you can, the plane is done for. If you try to land, you'll get a few scratches, the aircraft might have minor damages, but it sure beats the h**l out of getting a new one. Just make sure you're up to scratch and ready for every emergency.

  11. Why not just improve your piloting skills? It is possible to land a Cessna 150 in the top of an oak tree and survive.

    Just remember, there are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots.



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