
I'm catching a cold?

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Many people from my school have been coming down with colds lately. I was trying to avoid it, but lucky me, I have sore throat today. The thing with me is that when someone will catch a cold, it lasts a couple of days or so. But when I get the same virus, it lasts a week, sometimes more! Its like I have no immunity to it. Is there anything I can do to prevent it from being bad or to stop it from lingering on so long? I have read that Vitamin C will help and to drink plenty of fluids because that helps flush out the cold. Are there any other good pointers you could give me? I really appreciate it! Thank you so much!




  1. HEY so am I, sore throat sneezing, I bought some Tylenol sore throat

    relief,liquid Zicam,cold & flu  to go /pm knocks me out and i feel great

    symptoms  relieved!

    The sore throat tho have u checked the back of your throat for white  

    spots? (strep)...I know some one who had chicken pox,she said it started w/ a sore throat./1 more tip if you google,the color, of your

    nasal fluids(like little kids when u see their nose run) well each color means something Else Yellow , green. clear.... ectu can determine ,

    wether u have  a cold, or infection, ect awesome huh!

    b well

  2. Good question.  By the time you start to experience symptoms, you typically have already been infected for 2-7 days.  

    Fresh garlic with parsley is a great method for combating viral infections.  I usually take two cloves of fresh garlic, diced, with a healthy pinch of parsley, lightly nuked on a flour tortilla with some cheddar cheese (garlic quesadilla).  It is important to keep the microwaving minimal because this decreases the anti-viral, anti-bacterial capacity of garlic.  Eat this two to three times a day and you will recover from symptoms faster.

    Oh, and you are probably not "sick" longer, instead, you are displying symptoms longer.   I'm on the opposite side of this, where I typically only display symptoms for a short period of time.

    Lots of fluids help move lymph.  This can help by increasing the movement and distribution of specialized B-cells to help fight of the viral infection.  The evidence on Vitamin C is mixed, although it does help reduce cellular damage.
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