
I'm christian and my boyfriend is Agnostic and he believes in g*y marriage(christains answer please) ?

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okay now please no bad comments but like I'm a christian and like ill still be friends with someone whose g*y or whatever and ill be nice to them but like i just dont like think people who are g*y should be married like i know well what the "world" says is that "Love is love" or whatever but blah anyway my boyfriend has alot of people in his family who are g*y and like just right now he told me he was going to join this club that supports g*y marriage and i was just like okay whatever and hes like would u join if i asked u too and i was like no and know hes seems kinda mad but he knows how i feel about g*y marriage but blah like Ramon (boyfriend) is the greatest thing ever and im so madly in love with him i mean i want him to be my soul mate but then again i wanna marry a christian man but idk i dont know what do and blah =[

please help me and please dont judge me for what i believe in because i wont judge u for what u believe in i just need help thats all =/




  1. If you can't read or believe the Bible, don't threaten us with not coming up to your non-beliefs.

  2. Hi! You seem pretty sincere in all this, so I won't be mean or judgemental :-)  I used to be a Pentecostal Pastor so the only advice I can give you is be following in your faith, you should not be "yoked together with an unbeliever."  

    I am speaking from experience.  I was married to a christian and I was one...when I left the faith, she left me.  (Now, that's not so bad because I was a closeted g*y trying to live the straight life for god.)

    You are entitled to your opinion...but, try taking a deep look at your book and see what it has to say.  I won't tell you not to believe it...because, if you do...that's your right!  But, seriously, if you are gonna believe better know what it says about your relationships.  Hope things work out for you!  

  3. like, you're only 13, and like, that's way, like too like young to like get married and like blah blah like blah.

  4. if you don't want to support g*y marriage... you should just tell him that you don't want to......... and that he should respect your decision......

    and YOU should respect HIS decision to support g*y marriage.


    i don't understand how people get these problems.................

  5. Has he ever given you a backdoor delivery that you weren't expecting?

    Just kidding.  I don't think it matters at all if one of you doesn't like g*y marriage and the other one does - as long as y'all aren't g*y.  Him wanting to join a g*y club is a black flag though.  What's that about?  That's too suspect to not ask more questions about.  

    The agnostic thing is a little more convoluted.  He is not atheist, but his apathy towards something you hold near and dear could eventually cause fights later on.  The longer you take to address these issues, the more tumor-like it becomes and the harder it will be to come to a resolution on them.

    That said, there are plenty of successful relationships with people of different creeds, but both of you have to go into it with the acknowledgement that that person is okay the way they are and you will love and accept each other no matter what.

  6. Sorry, not a christian, but I am wondering why you're being so unfair to your boyfriend's views to only want answers from "your side".  I am atheist and my hubby of 8 years is a christian.  We agree to disagree on many things, but issues like you're talking about place no threat on our love and marriage.  If you're trying to find someone who agrees with you on everything, good luck to ya!  I expect you'll die a lonely old woman that way.

  7. I can tell you what not to do.  Do not downplay what you believe in or try to tuck it away and pretend it is not there.  This will eventually surface and create a problem as you face the truth.  You are on the right track if you do not go along with g*y marriages, but also remember that the experience of others is not of concern to you.  They will in time figure out their mistakes and will have the opportunity to correct them.

    Your boyfriend needs to learn that it is OK for you to hold to your own beliefs.  When he does, the "problem" disappears, and you don't have to do anything.  You have the right answer on this issue right now.

  8. let go of your christian indoctrination and live life to the full

  9. blah, blah, blah. =/

  10. Look, every relationships will have a clash with opposite view points and different opinions.  It's best just to understand one another, not force one's opinions on each other.  It's great that your dating someone that you like.  Even if he believes in something different, you both have a common ground that you like each other for some reason.  Focus on those reasons of why you like him.  You don't haft to go to his club just as he doesn't haft to your church or whatever religious club you might attend.  Relationships are based on cooperation, not differences.

    By the way, sorry that I'm not a religious person answering your question.

  11. But you are judging me for what I believe in.  I'm a Christian g*y man and you're telling me that I'm wrong, bad and immoral.  

    Why do you think homophobia is a sin?  Because it leads to nothing but harm and problems.  Nothing good comes from homophobia.  We are not born homophobic, it's the result of learning from parents or friends or it could happen from a traumatic experience.  Christ never condemned homosexuality or condoned homophobia.  Instead of judging others, repent and ask God to remove the scourge of homophobia from your heart.  Is your homophobia really more important than the man you love and would consider marrying???Good luck and God bless you!

  12. Hon, it will be difficult to marry someone who does not believe like you do.

    Why would you want to be pushed into things you don't believe in for the rest of your life?

    There are more important things in life beside romance.

    You will have children and you will have to make serious decisions.

    Would you want your children to learn to be g*y because mom and dad didn't take a stand on what is right or wrong?

    Will you permanently classify yourself with people who God condemns?

    Your family and friends and children will look to you to set the right example. If you start your life on the wrong road you will go off to destruction.

    Please study the bible to know the right man to pick...the right way to live...the way to please God.

  13. like

  14. who is more important the lord or him. you can't have must choose.

  15. You will have to choose between marrying a christian and marrying him. Don't expect to change him.

  16. What's the question?

    Basically since you're of disparate belief systems, if you wish to continue a healthy relationship, you should honor his beliefs and he should honor your beliefs.  Neither person should force the other into doing something they're uncomfortable with.  If he gets upset about you not wanting to join a club in support of something you're against, ask him how he'd feel if you got upset because he wouldn't go to church with you, they're largely the same thing.

    I do want to mention one thing to you however, if your belief about g*y marriage being wrong is based on the condemnation of it in Leviticus (it being an abomination), do you also follow all the other strictures in that book of the bible?  No pork/shrimp, segregation from males for a week after period starts, if touched by s***n wash immediately, burning a sacrifice after having a child, etc?  Really read over Leviticus before cherry picking the things you agree with and don't agree with.  If the covenant with Jesus dissolved the antiquated rules of the old testament ... does it make sense to keep that one rule when the rest of that particular book is being ignored?  Just my couple cents and something for you to do some research on... really read through all of Leviticus.

  17. I suggest you spend less time with the boyfriend and imaginary,

    silly problems and more time studying in school.

    Like you could use an education...

    A g*y marriage does not have any effect on your direct life.

    does it?

    So, if you are heterosexual (means you like the opposite s*x)

    and your boyfriend is too, what does it matter what a g*y person

    does with a g*y person?

    You may not approve of it but then try to remember that it isn't

    any of your business. So what are we getting all upset about?

    Read a good book or two... it will get your mind of the silly

    problems. I recommend Tolstoy, War and Peace.

    That ought to take a while...

    A mind is such a horrible thing to waste.

  18. Would you rather marry a Christian, or marry someone you love despite their beliefs?

    Questions like this make me sad. Religion CAN stop someones happiness.


  19. if you wanna get married then get maried

  20. Minds are like parachutes; they only work when they are open!


  21. Hmmm, well I guess it just takes some talking together, and explaining how you both feel. Personally, while I share his beliefs about equality for g**s, I think he's wrong for trying to pressure you into joining in with something to disagree with.

  22. Ok, First of all I'm a Christian, second you need to tell him about your belief, tell him what you believe in, If he doesn't  listen then you need to depart yourself from him. Think about it do you want a man that doesn't know the Lord, That can't provide you with anything, or do you want Jesus who is going to be here forever( eternal) who will never leave you, loves you unconditionally, died for you just to be with you forever. I had a boyfriend that was in this world, who was just bad, his life was about s*x, drugs and money, and he didn't care anything about me, and God took me away from him, because i couldn't do it myself. Pray, and keep praying. Read Genesis chapter 18 and 19, and Romans 1:18-32. and don't worry about what these people are writing you, they are all about this world, they don't see the truth, and you can't do nothing about that but pray.They just don't know. Focus on the Lord and only the Lord. Jesus Christ. hoped I helped. God bless, oh and also, I've stopped dating, because I believe that Jesus is going to have  a perfect christian man for me in the future,so maybe you should do the same.Trust Jesus. Bye

    also read 2Corinthians 6:14-18

  23. Unless your boyfriend changes, you are going to have to make a tough decision. It probably is going to tear you apart if you love him. Do you love God, or your boyfriend more? That is the question you are going to have to answer, because God doesn't want you to yoke with unbelievers.

    (2Co 6:14) "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"

  24. Since you are only 13 you have a long way to go before marriage.

    I think it is too early for you to be thinking marriage.

    You need to stand up for the person you are.

    Some times when we are in love we want to please some one we tend to give up parts of our self and not stay true to who we really are. We find out later though that it is a mistake.

    Stand on your belief in God and what you believe.

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