
I'm circumcised but... ?

by  |  earlier

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When it's flaccid I can pull the skin up past the head and when erect I can pull the skin almost to the top. I do have the circumcision scar so I'm defiantly circumcised. So does anyone know?




  1. so you got a nice loose circumcision.  if it's done correctly, you should be able to do what you're doing.  nothing wrong.  you're fine.

  2. know what?

  3. They left you more skin then they usually do:be happy with that.

    Now you don't loose all feeling in your head.

    Nothing is wrong though.


  4. you have a little skin movement, that's a good thing.

    you should consider f******n restoration, it would probably go quick for you, I've done it and it's so much better with the natural amount of skin

  5. Hmm...not had better show me

  6. you have a circumcision scar but still have enough skin to play with you should consider yourself very very lucky. Glad i'm female i get to chose which I want Lucky me x x x :-)

  7. it is just a loose circ... lucky

  8. You may have had a partial circumcision.  When the Doctor cuts away the f******n -- he can either cut more or less.  Cutting it all off means you probably will not be able to pull the f******n forward when erect.  Cutting a bit less means you could be able to pull it part way over the head of the p***s.

    Don't worry -- if you were circumcised to correct a tight f******n, for religious reasons or because your Dad did not want to have to teach you about f******n hygiene, either a partial one or a full one gets the job done.

  9. The doctor just didn't remove much of the f******n when he circumcised you.  You might want to have a revsion to take off more skin.

  10. You're very lucky, you probably have a lot of sensitivity left, they didn't manage to remove too much skin, and you have most of the benefits of having a f******n, if you want to, you can restore it for a more natural feel and appearance.

    In the case of most guys, they remove so much skin that the scar is halfway down the shaft, nowhere near where the f******n was.

    There are no standards for male genital mutilation, and it's quite often done by medical students, and botched circumcisions are far more common than you would imagine.

    10% of male genital mutilations result in complications which require additional surgeries to attempt to correct the damage from the first one.

    Male genital mutilation, called circumcision, is the worst hoax ever perpetrated on the male s*x.    It destroys at least 50% of sexual sensitivity or more, damages the p***s and sexual ability, and reduces the size of the p***s.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  11. umm...that's pretty normal.  at least for me. the difference is with an uncircumcised p***s, the f******n covers the head naturally, even while erect.  they don't have to pull the skin up, it's already there.

  12. thats normal. ur just cut fairly loosely. im the same way i can pull it pretty far up when im erect just cut loosely.if u have any questions u can email me or im me.

  13. So what's the problem . Your mutilation was obviously not quite complete. You should be grateful that you have a better sensitivity and protection than if you would be all cut.

  14. Sounds like you got a good deal out of it. Consider yourself lucky!

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