
I'm coaching my 4-year old sons flag football team, how do you coach 4 year olds?

by Guest65328  |  earlier

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I don't know what drills to do, how to get them to set up. Pretty much I have no clue how to do this. any suggestions would greatly help thanks




  1. honestlty man, they are 4. give em a ball let em run around and have fun. all at the same time u get a comedy show

  2. just let them go out there. there not gonna listen to you. just teach them the basics.

    Good Luck.

  3. Go to Borders. They have books on coaching kids football. Pretty much it doesn't really matter because very few things will be absorbed. Just try your best, no one is going to criticize the coach of a 4 year old team.

  4. just let them have fun dude

  5. 4 year olds playing flag football?  Good luck with that.  I've tried to teach 4 year olds karate and that's pretty much a waste of time.

    I'd say don't have any expectations and just let them have fun.

  6. when you are four it is more about fun than anything. so work on handoffs and pulling the other kids flag.

  7. with 4 year olds you basically just throw them out there with a ball

  8. Football is a game, kids love games. Basics first..

    Simplify the first lessons to the fundamentals i.e. running, throwing, catching and as long as they are enjoying themselves, you're ability to take small steps towards teaching them the team concepts of the game become that much easier..

    And remember, most 4-year-olds have no concept of competition or execution, so be a patient teacher..  

  9. You do not coach them because they have seperate personalities and interests. They will refuse to play no matter what you bribe them with.

    Go to for an explanation of team sports for kids under 7 years of age and you will understand my harshness answer!

    Also you must be an idiot like the rest of the coaches in the league and whoever is in charge of the league. Kids under 7 yrs old should not be playing in organized sports. Stupid parents are making their kids like robots wanting them to do what they want to do instead of letting their kids learn on their own.

    My 4 yr old son does not want to play soccer, he just sits there and plays in the dirt. His stupid mother will not listen to his father and I continue to make fun of his mother because she is an idiot. My son learns more about all sports from his dad and getting the basics from dad then he would in participating in organized sports.  

  10. umm i dont know why four year olds have a flag football team since they are only four year olds but check out books at local bookstores and look for football for dummies that kind thing but yeah also might wanna look for coaching football for dummies those books so hope this helps

  11. Basically you want to make sure you understand the learning style of a 4 year old. They are very tactile learners at that age... aka hand's on. Make sure you tell them the goal (getting the ball across the goal-line) and who's gonna do it.

    Use VERY simple running plays (what 4 year old can pass the ball?). You'll only use 3 or 4 plays total. Draw them out on paper and use colored dots to represent the positions. Tell each player which color they are since you can be on the field with them remind them what they need to do on each play.

    As for defense, they may not grasp the concept of getting the guy with the ball, but they can for sure grasp the idea of the guy with the ball being "it". Teach them that every kid should go get the flag of the person that's "it".

    In essense, make the game a game. And if you find yourself getting frustrated, count to 10 and remind yourself they are only 4.

    Here's an excellent thread about coaching youth flag football:

  12. be patient and let them have fun,just try and teach them the basics

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