
I'm competing in a triathlon on sunday - any tips?

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It's my first triathlon, and it's a partial - 750 meter swim, 20k bike, and 5k run. Not sure what to expect as far as transitions - I am planning on taking a small break (90 seconds) in between cycling and running to stretch out. Also planning on a warm up run and stretch before swimming.




  1. Congrats on the tri.  Depending on how far it is between the swim exit and transition area to the bike you'll have a couple minutes break.  I find my adrenaline is always pretty high after the swim.  Take a couple of breaths white getting your shoes on an try not to rush.  After a couple tris you'll get a routine on how you best do your transitions.

    Also the first 100 yards or so into your run your quads might feel a little tight so a stretch before the run might do you well.

    BTW...they always snap photos at the finish.  

  2. HAVE FUN!... That's the bottom of it. My first tri was a couple weeks ago. I stressed so much  prior to the swim... pics show me as tight as... Once in the water, I stuck to the back of the pack and swam at my pool tempo, visualizing coach repeating catch updrill. In no time I was out of the water, and BIG mistake running to the transition area, up the stairs, etc... My heart was in zone 5, pounding out of my chest... Take your time, keep the heart rate in check and plug along... Prior to the race, check out where your bike spot is in transition from both points of view: out of the water into transition and dismount are after the bike leg back into transition. IT HELPS specifically when you have a few hundred same looking bikes all around! But overall... ENJOY every second of it!

  3. First of all...have fun!  

    I don't think it is necessary to take 90 seconds to stretch out since you will be pretty excited.  If you feel like you do need to it though!

    The warm up run and stretch is perfect!  Get your IPod/MP3 out and put together some songs that can pump you up!

    Enjoy the moment!

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