
I'm completely at my wit's end

by  |  earlier

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i got results of an hcg blood test and tsh levels tested. hcg was negative, and tsh levels were normal.

the first day of my last period was june 19th, 2 and a half weeks late. i have a normal 30 day cycle. for at least 3 weeks, my b*****s have been sore, frequent urination, crampy, tugging and pulling in my lower abdomen, bloating (to the point of my pants being tight,) morning sickness, and gassiness. usually, i get no symptoms of pms, just cramping on the 2nd day of my period, the heaviest day.

although, for the past few months, i do get nauseated about a week before my period arrives, all apart of my frustrations here...

what i'm getting at, is i need new questions to ask my doctor. i have no idea what could be wrong with me. i honestly thought (and felt) like i was pregnant. when the doctor told me i wasn't, i was in total disbelief. she said she could give me progesterone to give me a period, but i immediately turned her down (because i wasn't thinking, and i was just literally in a state of shock.) in retrospect, i should have asked her about the progesterone (pro's and con's) but at the point she mentioned it, i just wanted to get her off the phone because i was getting ready to cry... due to the fact of not being pregnant when i honestly thought that i was, and sheer frustration that i still have no answers as to why i felt/feel this way.

i will be calling her back this afternoon, but i need questions to ask her, or possible things we can look/test for. does anyone have ideas?

by the way, i'm 21 and married for over a year.. if that matters.




  1. has your doctor run a progesterone level test? my dr just did one on me to check my levels- they can tell if you are ovulating that way. Also the dr just checked my thyroid as well to be sure there is no problem there (that could be messing with ovulation).

    i'm sorry you are suffering, i am in the same boat, 2 days ago had the same talk with the nurse at my dr office, not pregnant...again. today is the first day i feel any better...i have been near tears constantly, same things as you, had all kinds of "symptoms" and really thought our timing, etc was right on this time so thought for sure.... but no. i really think the stress of TTC can cause the same symptoms we are experiencing or maybe make them worse if they are a part of your normal pms.

    so ask about those  2 tests and ask if there is anything else she thinks could be a problem: weight, nutrition, carffine intake, even too much exercise?

    good luck! baby dust to us both! :)

  2. you said you wanted to ask about progesterone so start there. ask about conceiving, if you have been trying for a while,etc. your questions will lead to more.

  3. I'm basing this on entirely my personal experience a week and a half ago...I had been pregnant before and felt that I was pregnant this time.  I would have bet my life on it.  Same symptoms, more intense than PMS and the simple fact that they were way too early to be PMS symptoms.  As it turned out, I had an ovarian cyst.  And the cyst ruptured (which made me think it was possible implantation pains).  Normally, when I start my period, it's heavy from the very, very beginning...but I spotted for 2 whole days.  So again, I thought maybe it was spotting from being pregnant.  After blood tests and numerous home pregnancy tests turned up negative, I saw my doctor (time for pap smear anyway) and he said based on what I had told him and the timing of everything, it was a cyst that ruptured.  Have them check you for that...Polycystic Ovaries as well.  None of these are life threatening, which is the great news!  But at least you are using the process of elimination and slowly but surely figuring out what is (is not) wrong.  I wish you the best....

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