
I'm completely overwhelmed with my daughter! Auras and ghosts..Can u help?

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Okay, so...some of you already know about my daughter's "abilities". She's only 3 years old, and already showing signs of high sensitivity to the paranormal. I've lived with this all my life, so I can kind of relate to her, but she seems so much more in-tune than I ever was! I want to foster her ability but I don't know how!!!!! Now, she's talking about people's auras...and I'm not sure what to make of it. The "ghost" in her room she describes as having a pink aura with some reds and greens. When I'm angry, she tells me, "Take away your red colors mama!!!" I know a little about auras but not much since it takes me a good amount of time concentrating to see any. Do I need a support group??? I just don't know how to relate to her anymore because she talks about things I cannot possibly understand!!! help???




  1. Children who are "gifted" spiritually,are also very bright,in most other area of their lives and I know this is freaking you out,but try not to react,as bright children often need alot of attention,and learn at a very young age how to manipulate and will react to your reaction,just to get a rise out of you,my suggestion would be to give your daughter a specific time of the day,where you will sit down with her,and discuss the day's happenings,e.g 5pm,and try your best to stick to that,or you will eventually,go nuts (this is my opinion only) just want to help

  2. what your daughter is seeing is not a good thing.  i am getting a terrible cold feeling.  they do not want you to know they are bad.  they are evil.  i am telling you the truth please believe me.  you should have her baptized and pray in her room.  i am serious.  these are bad things.  i have seen angels and there is no mistaking an angel.  ask her if she feels cold when they are around.  she is only seeing one but many are there.

  3. get on the phone with some paranormal investigators or something. I've heard about this on the Web. Some guy was hit by a truck driver but survived with not even a scratch. The driver filed a report and was questioned. He said he saw a "globe" over the man's head. I guess that means angels are watching you. Pretty freaky.

  4. Could it be possible that she's synesthetic?  People with this condition have overlap in their senses.  They might 'see' sounds, or taste in color.  There was one woman who was interviewed on TV who explained that she didn't like to eat turkey on Thanksgiving, because it tasted too 'triangular.'  It's hard to notice the condition, since people with synesthesia can appear perfectly normal and can function as well as anyone else.  Their senses are just as good as everyone else, they're just interpreted a little differently.  Children are more perceptive than adults give them credit for.  Your daughter could be picking up on your emotions and her brain could simply be interpreting it differently than most people do.

    Based on your last bit about a support group, and that you can't relate to her anymore, I would definitely recommend that you and your daughter see a real therapist.  It's a problem that's a little too complicated for Y!A, and too important to take a 'wait and see' attitude.

  5. Sage. Sage.

    Just use lots and lots of fresh Sage.

    Also, buy her a stuffed bear.

  6. Hopefully your daughter,somewhere along the line.Will get some exposure to reality.This sounds like the paranormal equivalent of a stage mom.I say that with only good wishes for your daughter.

    Edit.I read your question and chatter,I just don't believe it.You're not the first to call me an idiot.I dispute your assessment of me but not your right to express it.Evidenced by your defensive reaction to my answer.I'm more convinced then ever my answer is correct.I still have only best wishes for your daughter and all your children.

  7. some say children are in tune to the spirit world but most will lose this ability as they age. just listen to what she has to say maybe she will give you a use full piece of knowledge.

  8. Erm.. Call a psychic? Maybe she can try and make connections for you with things your daughter says.

  9. Have somebody she does not know come over and acted like the GHOSTBUSTERS. And act like they got all the ghost out of the house.

  10. Whoa girl, that is totally amazing that she is so young and can already see through people like that. She def. has a gift and depending on her intellect, you are going to have to explain this in a way she understands. She already has the GIFT and can decipher so just try and answer her questions she may have but dont go all into detail. Keep it plain and simple. Tell her people are like rainbows and sometimes the ugly colors shine through, like a storm. Show her how storms are ugly and grey, you may even want to color or do some cute craft with her. Anyway-then go into how after the storm comes the rainbows. Tell her people have different feelings that bring on different colors...and then relate it to the storm and rainbow. She will understand that. Now about the ghost. That is a whole new ballgame. Just let her know ghost are friendly and they are there to protect us or sometimes they miss their homes and want to stay around to make sure we are taking care of their house. I have a friend in Lousiana who would love to talk to you about the paranormal. That is his JOB. He goes around to different houses for people detecting things, etc. He is on Myspace so let me know if you need his name.  I can also get his Yahoo screen name for you if you like. Best of luck, you are really blessed to have such a gifted child.

  11. OK this is a great thing for you and your daughter.  Help her learn and grow with this, but also be wary of other things that might try to get in the way.  Listen to your daughter very carefully.  Not as to what she is saying but more of what is being said.  Comprehension in this area is very difficult, but you are the child's mother so that places you in a very good situation.  Be aware though of other things in this world or otherwise.  Just as there are good people in this world there are also bad people to.  Be very cautious about talking with ghosts or spirits.  Just help her and be by her side as she will need you and others in the coming times.  Please take care and may harm come to none.  )0(

  12. If your child is not being harmed, than she will learn much from her abilities.....she has a gift, and these other spirits know this now.....and I am sure most of them are very good spirits, family and spirits from a past life. If she's that sensitive, I am sure her spirit guide is the one that hugs, kisses..... I know, my spirit guide has been with me all my life, but for the past four years shes ben coming to me to help me with my son whom was two at the time, and now he's going to be six. She comes to encourage me, rubs my back, holds my hand, hugs.....I seen her many times, I even was allow to put my hands on her face to feel her features.... because I wanted to know what she looked like, I can only see spirit not her details. My son was seeing a man that walks through walls, and than I saw him too, and others....But only one was a bad spirit....usually some bad spirits may show up to confuse you. But I am sure your daughter is protected by the many good spirits that surround her....just allow her abilities to take course that they were met to.... her spirit within knows how to handle things, especially if she already knows about God:) Just prayer with her to God, and ask God to help and protect her and to send angels and good spirits.....that's the prayer I had about four years ago when they all first came, but Erica my spirit guide made herself known to me because of my abilities to be sensitive. I knew where she was in the room when I slept, because my third eye would open, I would feel her thoughts telepathically, I would react, that's when she knew I were sensitive and came to me all the more to communicate.


    She is right no one ever dies...your spirit will live forever~

    You would love this book...6 BIG BIG BIG ANGELS ...A Visit To Heaven By 4-1/2 Year Old Victoria.....she gone to heaven, came back with so much knowledge of what she saw angels, spirits, God, Jesus and more. And God sent her back, she still sees spirits and even I said, when the good spirits come so will the bad, it's a spiritual war fare all around us in our dimension and in some of the others. I even got rid of the one bad spirit that came to me, my spirit knew what to do, and with the help of my spirit guide....she feels like an angel to me. I was able to astral project and fight off the bad spirit, that was a year ago, and he has not came back:)

  13. If your kids could do long division at three you wouldn't put them or yourself in a support group for exceeding. Same goes with your child. Although Im not sure if I believe in auras and ghosts (please dont take that the wrong way) I would still have to say your daughter seems fine. The colors to her ghost seem like the average person. Green - relaxed, red-angry, pink -loving. Maybe its not a ghost but rather her gaurdian angel? Maybe its not understanding your daughter but more listening to what she says. If your friend had a problem and they told you, even though you didn't understand or maybe didn't care, you would listen just because you know your friend needed to say it so she doesn't feel alone.

  14. Don't discourage her from the things she sees.  If she is truly seeing things, she'll feel she has no where to turn if you discourage her.  

    However, don't encourage her either.  If in fact she is embellishing on things she may have heard from others, it will only make her do it more.  

    Listen to anything she tells you with an open mind, but also take it with a grain of salt.

  15. Your daughter has a very active imagination that's being fueled by the way you react to what she says and what you've obviously been telling her during her life.  She'll grow out of it.  Just make sure she's not talking about an actual person instead of a 'ghost'.

  16. Don't panic, she is one of the star children being born now, there are many many like her. She is still very in tune with the spirit world. Just let her know you are listening and you accept what she is saying because to her it is very real. The pink energy she sees is just her angel, it won't hurt her.  this is an ability she has come to use and when she gets older whe will.  she may start to lose a bit of it in the meantime as her childhood and school come along, but she will be an excellent communicator for spirit when she grows up. She speaks the truth and she finds it hard to understand why people just don't 'get it'. It is very hard for these sort of children to adapt tio the human form they find themselves in. Look on the internet under    indigo children, crystal and star children, or starseeds. This will explain it all to you. you have a very special child.

  17. there is a book that might help - it's called mountains meadows, and moonbeams.  I used it with my kids, as they all three see colors, two see animals.....they have many gifts.

    most importantly, do not discourage her or make her feel in any way that this is not "normal" or ok.  I shut down for years because I noticed no-one else could see what I saw, and most didn't believe me.  Now I am still working to get back to where I was......Also, some of these gifts fade a bit the older we get in some people.  Each of us is different.  Try not to get 'freaked out' about it - this is her normal.  validate that.

    Good luck.

  18. This is a very interesting situation.  If it happened to me,  i admit that it would freak me out.  But since you are not new to this yourself,  i don't see why you are fretting so much about it.  Incidentally,  there is a serial on British television called AFTERLIFE and it's about this woman who has psychic abilities but isn't handling them very well and so is having a very hard time.  If you really believe that your daughter is "gifted" in this way,  then you should take her to a good psychic and have her properly monitored so as to avoid misunderstandings and difficulties as she grows older.

  19. Parents will never understand their children, but they can still love each other, and that's all you need, even though the misunderstanding part is coming out earlier than usual here.

  20. I would just continue to encourage her.  Doesn't sound like she needs a lot of it though.  Being sensitive since birth, and having no support at all, I know what effects that brings as well.  Just remember that she is wrestling with the mind of a child to being with.  The blessing is that right now, she thinks everyone sees the colors, so being sensitive has not really been an issue for her.  The curse is that all people do not believe and are going to treat her badly. I think I would save my real worries for puberty...if she says things you don't understand, ask me.  I'll be glad to help if I can.

  21. if what you are writing is true than your daughter is truly gifted. you need to contact a reputable psychic group and go out there and read. if she can read people's auras she is very talented. tell her you love her and ask her to tell you about thepink ghost and how it makes her feal?You need to be reassuring and loving and control your emmotion. I am left wandering where she learnt this from or heard this from. 1 tear old baies dont understand concepts like death and dying and souls. Dont panic she be a very famous psychic and her soul and guardian spirit chose you. Read up and roll with it - if children are giften intellectually or musically why not psychically?

  22. I'm pretty sure you've already done this..but if you haven't thought about it..give her some crayons and have her draw what she sees..auras and all. Save them...and date them. This might not last and this way at least you've saved the memory for her for later.Put them in a scrapbook.

  23. it's good that u listen to her,thats no.1 important .also, try not to make a fuss ,there are other things a three y.o. needs to be doing eg, being three years old.!!the main thing a three y.o. needs is growing and learning and having fun.i don't sugest u ignore her gifts,but maybe keep that part in the background for now.however i would monitor her just to be sure all's ok.

  24. You could do what my mom did to me: whenever I mentioned my grandmothers watching, or the angels on the front porch, or the demons that looked like children and encouraged me to drink (at age 6!), she told me that what I saw was not really there and it's my imagination.  Every mention of what was not commonly seen was discouraged.  Keeps the kid safe for school time, when they have to deal with teacher conferences about their "active imagination".

    It could be that your daughter has a gift for synasthesia.  Not to mention that you're reinforcing her bossiness.  You can have any color you want to have on you!  She needs to learn to accept aura differences, and to not have an audience when she starts talking about things most people can't see.  Children learn very early about how to act to get their way, so if she knows that talking about red aura will get you from being angry at her, she'll try to use it, even if she can't see anything!

  25. i think that you should talk to your daughter

    i know she is only 3, but jus get as much out of her as possible and then maybe a support group

    or phsyciatrist?

    but thats very cool that you guys have soemthing special, use it,

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