
I'm concerned about my 9 year old son?

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My 9 year old son is very Shy & Quiet.And he has not been sick in over a year!.For the past 2 hours,he's been running a fever of 103.6 and vomiting.I took him to the doctor,and he said it was a virus so he prescribed medicine for him,and he has not been vomiting.Should i send him to school tommorow,he wants to go because they're having a easter party in his class.I told him i wasn't going to send him,and he got very upset.I was thinking I'd drop him off at the time of the party (12pm) and pick him up at the end (2pm).It's in his school,so the nurse can call me if theres' any problems.Should i send him to the full day of school? Or Send him at 12 and pick him up at 2? I'm going to keep him home if he has a fever,but i really need some tips.




  1. If he's well enough to go to the Easter party, he's well enough to attend school for the whole day.

    However, if one of my kids had been vomiting with a fever, I would not send them to school the next day, even if they felt better.   Viral things are very contagious.  Do you really think it's fair to send your sick child to school for a party, right before a holiday weekend?   I don't!

  2. You have to consider a few things first.

    He's very sick.

    It might be contagious.

    Do you really want him loading up on sweets and candies after he's been vomiting?

    Tell him that once he's better  you'll throw him his own Easter shin dig, buy him some Easter-ey stuff and invite a friend or two.

    Personally, I wouldn't take him to school

    But you're his mother, and you know better than anyone. =]

  3. I wouldnt necessarily drop him off there but maybe take him there to say hi to everyone and maybe he could have a few pieces of candy but I wouldnt leave him there the whole 2 hours of the party.

  4. It's going to be a disappointment but I wouldn't send him. You're right if he has a fever I wouldn't but he needs to be on medication for two days before he is considered not contagious anymore. I am a first grade teacher and it is tough... especially on party days to handle sick children. Think about how hard it is to take care of one or two other children when you have a sick kid and then think about a teacher taking care of 25 other students and your sick kid. Plus those other parents do not want their children sick over spring break and that teacher certainly doesn't want to be sick on his or her break.

    Please don't send him. For his sake and the class' sake.

  5. h**l no you should not send your child to school, he is SICK.  Sheesh use a tiny bit of common sense here huh?

  6. He needs rest and not a party i would keep him home. he will just need to be upset

  7. he is shy but wants to go to the party then let him go to school.  If this is an outgoing thing he would like to do then let him.  If he gets bad off then the school will call.

  8. if he is funning a fever they will send him back home so you might as well keep him there !

  9. tell him that you will let him go but he needs to go to the office if he feels sick. or you could go to the party with him like take him to school at 12 and stay for the party and like if he feels fine after the party let him stay the rest of the day or you could bring him home after the party.

    Hope I Helped


  10. if he gets sick at school, theres a nurse and he can call you.

  11. As much as I feel your pain and you want your son to enjoy this fun day, it wouldn't be fair to all the other children if you brought your son in sick.

    However, if he doesn't have a fever and isn't physically sick I think it would be alright to bring him in at 12, but then just let him stay the rest of the day.

  12. most school have a policy where children need to be fever and vomit free for 24 hours. Your child might feel better but you don't want to pass the germs. Most parties at that age have little gifts for the kids definity pick his up but don't send him at all.

  13. heyya..

    i fink u should just send him in for 2 hours then pick him up... it sounds relli bad and could be contagious ....let him enjoy 2 hours of his easter party then bring him home ....i would be exactly da same wiv my son gd luck and i hope he gets better xx

  14. Don't! It's likely that he's contagious, and no matter how shy or quiet he is, he's likely to give his illness to one of the other children. Keeping him home isn't JUST for his benefit... it' for the benefit of all the other kids, too!

  15. No, you do not send your child to school.  He is contagious.  Almost every school has a "no fever for twenty-four hours" policy and with good reason.  If another child was sick and came to school, exposing your son to this virus, how would you feel?

    I'm sorry he will miss the easter party.  Life has its disappointments.  This is one of them.  Do the right thing, take care of your son and protect the other kids.  Please.

  16. he needs to be fever free for at least 24 hours.  sending him just for the party is somewhat selfish, as you are running the risk of exposing other children to whatever virus he has.

  17. easter partys are the most important times of your childs young life if you dont send him you are a horrible parent

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