
I'm concerned my course might be cancelled?

by  |  earlier

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On my uni course, the class number in the first year was quite small, around 11 students, but over the first year, 6 of them dropped out. I'm starting my second year soon, and i have this uneasy feeling in the back of my head, that the course maybe cancelled. I'm told that last years final year class, only had 4 students, but they were taught. I've just got this uneasy feeling, because i remember reading something somewhere on uni guidelines i think, where it said the uni reserved the right to cancel classes it deemed as unprofitable. I just don't want to be in the situation where, i start my course, but then on the first day i'm told its cancelled, but by that time, it would surely be to late to start at another uni. In other words i fall back a year.

Thoughts and views? Anyone or know anyone who has expeienced anything like this?




  1. Should your uni elect to cancel the course and you find its a core course required for your major, then you should speak to your advisor and ask them how you can do a Directed Studies or Independent Studies for the course. Usually there is a method already in place for such instances.

    If, however, the course is not a core requirement for a major, then you should contact your advisor and see if there is a comparable course you could take in lieu of the canceled course.

    Bottom Line: The university needs to at least make enough money from the course to justify the staff and instructor salary to support the course as well as the school resources required to deliver the course.

    Hope this helps



  2. I very much doubt the university would cancel a course that is mid-way through. They are more likely to let you graduate and let the course gradually fade out i.e. let no other students start the course. I wouldn't worry too much about this and if they was to cancel the course, you would be transferred to a similar course or given alternatives. It wouldn't be the end.  

  3. Are you in the UK? From what I have heard if a uni cancels a course (very rare) they should try and help transfer you to the same course at a different uni. I doubt they will be allowed to cancel this close to the start of term with so little notice exactly for the reasons you describe.

  4. Isnt there any way to contact your uni to find out?

  5. are you taking the course right now? if it's that case, then the course won't be cancelled if the course is in progress.

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