
I'm concerned that my 3 year old is not learning what she should in preschool.?

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Almost everything my 3 year old learns in preschool she sings. Could you tell me what preschools should cover curriculum wise and if singing is the only method they should use?




  1. Well at 3 years I think learning from their parent is best anyway. So what you should do is when she comes home when you make time for her then you start teaching her things you think she should know for first grade. Make it fun and entertaining so that it doesn't become a chore.

  2. Singing is deffinately a very good learning tool for a pre schooler.While they are singing they are learning and dont even realize it.Kids love to sing and I think that its pretty smart for the teachers to use that as a tool for learning. My son was in pre school last yr and by the end of the school yr he knew way more than when he started. And I also taught him at home with fun learning activities and games.

  3. I love this poem, it really explains why preschools do the things they do:

    "Play Today"

    You say you love your children,

    And are concerned they learn today?

    So am I; that's why I'm providing

    A variety of kinds of play.

    You're asking me the value

    Of blocks and other such play?

    Your children are solving problems.

    They will use that skill everyday.

    You're asking what's the value

    Of having your children play?

    Your daughter's creating a tower.

    She may be a builder someday.

    You're saying you don't want your son

    To play in that "sissy" way?

    He's learning to cuddle a doll.

    He may be a father someday.

    You're questioning the preschool's activities;

    They just look like useless play?

    Your children are making choices;

    They'll be on their own someday.

    You're worried your children aren't learning,

    and later they'll pay?

    They're learning a pattern for learning,

    For they will be learners always.

    ---Leila P. ****---

  4. In most daycare centers singing is the No. 1 way that they teach. Children recall better through singing.

    They sing the alphabet song, the number song, weather chart song, days of the week/ months of the year, color song etc.

    They have an opening circle song, "Good morning to you...."

    They have songs for hand washing "Goodbye Germs, Goodbye Germs, you're going down the drain."

    Songs for lunch time "Open shut them, Open  shut them, place them in your lap lap lap."

    Songs for lining up "Line up, Line up everybody everwhere, line up, line up, keep your hands up in the air."

    Songs for Disputes "Be nice to your friends, Be nice to your friends, hands are not for hurting, be nice to your friends."

    Songs for Group Circles: "We're going on a bear hunt....."

    "All around the corner at the Donut shop...."

    "Can you find a circle......"

    "Strangers mean Danger......"

    "Brush your teeth, to keep germs away...."

    "The world is a rainbow, thats filled with many colors, and when we get together....."

    So yes, in Daycares, 98% of the day is used for singing, to learn about everything and anything, thats the way all Daycares teach various concepts......

    A good Daycare Preschool Teacher will cover:




    Cultural Holidays


    Weather Chart

    Alphabet Chart

    Days of the week/ Months of the Year

    Community Helpers

    Stranger Danger



    Cultural Diversity





    Beginning Science Concepts

    Beginning Math Concepts

    Early Phonics

    Preschoolers should be learning about:

    Science-Ex: Magnets

    Math: Ex: Numbers, shapes

    Colors: Ex: Rainbows, Seasons/People

    Time Sequence Concepts: Ex: Tomorrow, Today/Yesterday

    Music: Ex: Cultural/ Classical/ Kids music

    Foreign Language: Ex: Spanish

    Sign Language concepts: Ex: Universal

    Community: Ex: Mailman/Policeman/Fireman

    Animals: Ex: Farms/Oceans/Zoos

    Buildings: Ex: High Rise/ Towns Homes

    Transportation: Ex: Tractor/Trucks/ Bulldozers/Cars/Airplanes/Trains/Ships

    Computers: Ex: Mouse/Tower/Monitor/Keyboard

    Whole Language: Ex: Magazines/ Books/ Newspapers

    Early Literacy: Ex: Dr. Suess/ Clifford/ Barney

    Countries: Ex: Argentina-Zumbawa

    Exercise: Ex: Dancing/ Balance/ Hopping

    Human Body: Ex: The Brain/ Muscles/ Bones


    Conflict Resolution

    Self Esteem Concepts

    Familes: Ex: Mom & Dad, Grandparents, Mom and Child,

    (other- by parents consent only, that is Adoption/ g*y Parents.)

    Art: Marble Painting/ Paper Mache/ Foam/ Free Style

    Diversity: Black, White, Brown, Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexico, Africa, Italy, etc..



    Stranger Danger


    First and Last Name Identification

    City/State Identification:Ex: City/ People/Culture/Map/ Industries

    Preschoolers are capable of understanding all these concepts at a rudimentary level, it develops a life long love of learning.

    For Discipline your Prechool should be using the following:


    Positive Reinforcement

    Sit and Watch table

    Take 5

    Talking Table

    Love and Logic (Builds self help thinking skills)

    Good Luck hope this helps.

  5. Singing is a great way to learn!  OMG, I had fifth graders learn their states and capitals through music!  

    Preschools should cover the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, social skills, independence, a love for listening to stories, arts and crafts, and of course--music!

  6. Good's preschool...she's learning a lot....give it a rest....

  7. While singing is one of the easiest ways to learn, and the most fun, they should also be teaching her letter and number recognition. And be encouraging her to develop  her fine motor skills (i.e. coloring and beginning to write letters) Also she should learn to recognize her name.

  8. Different parents have different expectations of what their child should learn. Some would be happy if their child just learned neccesary social skills such as sharing while others want more. I am a preschool teacher and here are just a few of the things we teach the children(age 2-4). We teach them the day of the month, what month it is, the days of the week song, the months of the year, phonics(how letters sound and look), how to get along without their parent/caregiver, sharing, caring about others feelings, independance, we give them an outlet to explore and create, we teach them how to trust the teachers, routines, how to sit at circle time, manners, songs, fingerplays,theme of the month, last year we taught them the alphabet and a few words in sign language and this year we are going to try some French words. We encourage children to grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.

  9. The singing itself is a sign that she is learning, because i believe that she is singing songs that she didn't know before she started preschool. there are a number of methods for instruction for different educational levels for instance; lecturing works with college students but would be boring for a may also be true that she is also learning other things but she enjoys the singing more.

  10. Pre-schools use singing as a method for toddlers to remember. Singing and rhymeing helps the toddlers use key words to help them remember and they enjoy it. Through song young children learn counting and letters. Pre-school teaches very minor things,although there are some pre-schoools that may go into more then just learning a few letters and numbers,the majority stick with going at a certain pace for toddlers. Toddlers will learn their letters and what they look like and numbers and what they look like. Some pre-schools will let them get these things on paper,but they really want them to get comfortable with the idea of learning and they do so through imagination as well.

    Through drawing and singing toddlers grasp the idea of learning and fun as a whole.

    Even the alphabet was taught to us through song,this is how we all learned it,and through song,children learn words that rhyme it helps them put new words together and helps them sound out words as well,it helps their memory and they enjoy themselves. It is not really untill kindergarten that they will get a real curriculum,with math,reading,science,social studies,music etc etc...and yes kindergarten offers as much work as a 6th grader. My daughter has just started kindergarten and I'm amazed at how much she is doing and learned in just a months time. She learned to write her name and recognize letters immediately and that is with no pre-school.

    Try making up a song yourself about something you want your child to learn,make sure it's fun and active with hand gestures and rhymes and makes sense,you will be amazed at how fast the child grasped what you wanted them to,instead of just telling them. Toddlers learn through fun. You can not bombard them with learning either,they must go at their own pace and have fun doing it. Your pre-school must also give you a progress report on your childs learning progress,this is also where you can ask what the teachers are teaching the children and why they use their methods. The learning curriculum is pretty much the same,but the methods the teachers use are different,there are some you will like and some you will not. But whether you like it or not,remember it's up to t he child,if the child is progressing whether you like the learning process or not,why change what  works?

  11. I think singing is good.  I did not go to preeschool.

  12. If your child leaves preschool able to share, confident when spending time without you, and eager to learn, that's really all that matters curriculum-wise.

    That said, no, singing isn't the only method they should use. Using only one method is bad no matter what method it is. Maybe that's just your child's favourite one, so that's the one she repeats at home?

  13. Singing is the easiest way for kids to learn things, at such an early age. the songs are usually short and hold only a bit of information. I just seems like they aren't really learning any thing but they are, even by just learning the song, shows your child is retaining information.

  14. I was a preschool teacher for 2 years and we did do a lot of singing.  Singing is a way for a child to remember information.  

    Since she is in preschool, the teacher should be teaching the class letter sounds, writing their letters of the alphabet, gross and fine motor activities, shapes, sorting (biggest to smallest, etc.), colors, and safety.

    Preschool is to get a child ready for kindergarten.  Your child is 3 yrs old, so I would not worry about the things I listed above until she is ready to go to kindergarten.  Always remember that all children hit milestones at different periods in their life.  Not one child is the same as another.  Good luck!

  15. talk with the director they should be writting names sounds letters sounds like a lazy teacher try a different preschool

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