
I'm confident that I found a meteor impact crater. How do I go public!?

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The site is a pond that some people say has no bottom. The edges drop strait off. No weeds even grow in the deep water. I also found small molten magnetic droplets around the site which tells me that this impact is real! If anyone would like to see photos of the site please email me!!




  1. I'd recommend contacting a local college's science department, specifically the geology department, and let them verify the site.  They'll be able to say specifically whether or not its an impact crater.

    That being said, there are impact craters -EVERYWHERE-, and they aren't particularly special, however I'm sure if it is an impact crater, the geology department of the local college would be happy to do some digging. :)

  2. upload it on photobucket

    and get the url and post it on here

    so we could see...

  3. Well, meteor impact craters definitely have a bottom! Just google images of the Barringer crater in Arizona - that should give you an idea of the dimensions of a typical (large) impact crater.

    From the description you give, it sounds like it could be a cenote or sinkhole - they can form very deep, straight-sided holes that are typically filled with water. A lot of them are almost perfectly circular, as well. I'd check the geology department of your local university, but I'm almost positive it's a sinkhole and not an impact crater.

  4. Contact the closest universitys geology dept. have them verify it.  

  5. Okay maybe the geology department but the real people you want to contact are the astronomy department, they're the ones who study these things, not geologists I would've figured a lot more other people would know that besides me.Anyways yeah they'll try and identify if what you're saying is right and if you are who knows you might get your name in a local newspaper or something for discovering it!

  6. I emailed you and am waiting! Lets see it!  

  7. Like others said, email someone at a university.

  8. Wow, that sounds nuts. Well it sounds like your already some what going public. I am scared of viruses as I just had to pay over 300 for a new computer because the last one was so infected. I'm not trying to accuse you of sending any out but I'm just very cautious now. Anyhow, I would call local authorities and have them come out. I wish you the bast of luck.

  9. Haha, google it.

    If I knew I would tell you.

    But how AMAZING is that.

    I wanna see. o.O  

  10. Contact a university's geology department to help make the verification.

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