
I'm confused, W gets rousing welcome...?

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If his policies are so popular, why is his party calling him the Real agent for change? Why change if the country is safe and economy is good, why not boast that McSame will keep the good times rolling?




  1. Everybody in the convention hall is an idiot.

  2. j dog:  Good call, didn't hear of any of the liberals giving back they're tax cut money, or rebate checks, to help out the sputtering economy either.

  3. LOL! Because most of the voters arent super rich with there big tax that case, they are going to keep the good times rollin!!

  4. LOL, ldog is right!!!

    Sarah Palin even cut her own pay to help alaska. Would obama take a pay cut? no! obama keeps taking money for doing a job he has performed 143 days out of 4 years!

  5. an even better question is...

    if things are always as bad aas the liberals say, why have they lost the last two elections????

  6. Kind of like the Dems saying they want change, and then applauding Joe Biden.

  7. Why have there been only two Democratic presidents on the last 40 years.

  8. Well j dog i think an even better question is how could some one be elected to that office, when the omajority of th ecountry voted aginst him. Thats the realquestion. Because when running aginst Gore, Bush lost the popular vote. If you you want to talk about money look at Biden's finances. Thats all that needs to be said, when compared to Bush and McSame.

  9. Because they won't be able to attract independent voters that way.

    They probably won't be able to attract independent voters in any case, but oh well.  No one ever said Republicans were smart.  

  10. the silly mcsame thing is your line. McCain will do what is right for America while your messiah does whats "wright" for himself.

  11. Remember who the audience is.

    Look at the crowd.

    The majority of them are white and over 50 years old.

    They are the Christian conservative base.  I remember sitting in church back in 1999 and my preacher said, "I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, but George Bush.... blah, blah, blah.

    I was so dumb then.  I thought because he called himself a Christian that he stood for protecting people like 'me' and standing up for the values that hold dear.

    I was fooled.

    This year I'm voting Obama-Biden 2008

  12. Say what you want, but McCain has my vote over Obushma.

    Obama's running mate said during the primaries that McCain is better qualified to be President than Obama.  During the DNC, Biden said that McCain is the same as Bush.  Hillary Clinton made similar comments at similar times.

    That means that Obama's two key supporters think Obama would be a worse President than Bush!  That thought scares the living c**p out of me.  If his opponent had said that, it wouldn't have anywhere near the impact, but someone on his own ticket said it.

  13. I'm confused by your question...

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