
I'm confused..Did I ovulate this month?

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My cycle is 28 days, and my period lasts for 2-3 days. My last period started on 8/9/2008. I had a mid pain ( I usually have) on 8/15 and had s*x (we're TTC) the next day. Did I ovulate? My CM hits its peak usually around CD 10 (very wet and stretchy) but I'm completely dry now. Not even sticky CM. But my b***s are tender since 8/13 and still they are.




  1. Just because there is a lot of CM does not necessarily mean you ovulated and the lack of CM does not necessarily mean you didn't ovulate. I would recommend buying Ovulation Predictor Kits and/or tracking you BBT to make sure you are ovulating on a regular basis.

    If you are a health weight then ovulation should occur on a monthly basis, however there are some random months that many women wont ovulate. It is just mother nature playing games with us!

    Good Luck, maybe this will be your month!  

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