
I'm confused about my feelings, please help???

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My name is Mary and I'm 14 years old (I'll be 15 in November). I have an older brother who just turned 16 and his name is Braydon. Ever since I was about 12 I've had feelings for my brother, but I didn't really know what kind of feelings they were. Now that I've grown older so have my feelings.

I'm love with my brother! I am just really attracted to him, both physically and emotionally. I mean, I like him because he's so kind to me and he's sweet and gentle, and he's always so helpful. And I am sort of attracted to his body too...sexually. I fantasize being with him all the time; being married and having kids and everything. I do this a lot. Whenever I'm around him I just want him to hold me close and tell me he loves me.

I haven't felt this way about any other boy before. But I'm still really confused about all of this...I know it's really bad to be in love with your brother but I can't help it...he's stolen my heart. Please help me, what should I do???!!!

(And please don't bash me! I'm so confused and worried and everything, I don't need hateful comments!)




  1. wow, i'm so sorry mary.

    look, i would think that must be confusing...

    maybe you should talk to your brother about this.

    i know it would be embarassing, but i think he needs to know.

    if things don't work themselves out, and you don't want to love your brother anymore, you could see a therapist, or get hypnosis done.

    i'm not quite sure what advice to give you, i'm terribly sorry.

  2. Its ok to feel whatever you want to feel in your head, the important thing is just to leave it in your head! Don't dwell on the feelings because they might start to overwhelm you.. My advice would be to start looking at the other boys around you and looking at what is attractive about them. Concentrate on the things that you find attractive about them and you might just end up crushing on someone else and forgetting about your brother! Goodluck x

  3. this is very very wrong

    you need to get over your brother. I think you feel this way because theres no other guy around you whose nice like him.

    find another guy and dont tell him becuz you'll scare him.

  4. I for one have nothing against incest [I don't love any of my brothers that way though]..don't listen to these can't help who you fall for..just talk to him and see what happens..good luck!!  

  5. that isn't right.

    you're going to have to get over it.

    it is very very very wrong.

    nothing can make it right.


    you need to find some control, some sense, and realize what you are thinking about it sick.

  6. I am so, SO sorry for you. That's an incredibly difficult situation that most people will probably never have to deal with. Still, you need to know that even if this problem doesn't make you a sick person, it still is hurting you, and you need to start controlling it. It is probably unlikely that your brother feels the same way, or that he would share his feelings with you if he did. I would reccomend trying to control your thoughts as best you can when you're around him, and accept that your fantasies will never work out, and dwelling on them will only hurt you more. If the thoughts aren't stopping or are getting worse, you should probably try a therapist (nothing wrong with that, a lot of perfectly fine people go to therapists just to talk). But the best solution is probably getting out there and meeting some new boys--you'd be surprised at just how sweet, nice, cute boys there are out there, and I'm sure a sweet girl like you won't have any trouble getting them. I know it'll be hard, but you have to let go of this fixation--for your and your brother's sake. I hope this helps!!


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