
I'm confused about the Palin situation?

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I keep reading that the Democrats are "smearing Palin." Doesn't that mean making up stuff that's not true? I mean, she is under investigation for the "Troopergate" thing, right? And her teenage daughter really is pregnant. And her husband belonged to a party that advocated Alaskan independence. So what am I missing? How is this a smear? And why are the Democrats responsible for what the newspapers say?




  1. I'm sure she had a pap smear recently since she just had a baby.

    Why would you ask something so personal and tasteless? And in a Trooper no less.

  2.   The media supports the democrats and will focus on the faults of the republicans while turning a blind eye to the democrats.  Making a big deal about the daughter of Palin is placing a standard of behavior they would not put on someone from the democratic party. Obama has never managed or run anything let alone a state. He doesn't even run his own household but you won't hear anything about that. We don't know anything about Him except what he has told us there are no friends, or coworkers from any time in his past to varify any thing he has told us. I find this disturbing to say the least. No one knows anything about the schools he attended or what clubs he belonged to or who he hung out with. Doesn't this bother you?

  3. They're trying to sell this Kool Aide wholesale to the American people.

    It ain't working.

  4. The truth can truly hurt.

    Where there is smoke, there is fire. Count on it.

  5. I agree, nothing's a smear when it'ss against the other party.

    I like your fair and balanced take.  You should go work at Fox News Channel.  

  6. Because the fact that her teenage daughter is pregnant is nobody's business.  What does that have to do with being VP?   The fact that they are asking for paternity tests are detestable.  Where is John Edwards paternity test.  The fact that feminists are questioning whether she can work and be a mother.  Isn't that what the feminist movement was all about?  Do you not know that most newspapers are run by democrats?  There is no evidence that she was a member of the Alaskan independence  movement.  

    And Artemis - how do you know that McCain didn't Vet her properly.  I am sorry, I didn't major in journalism...but anyone knows you don't take rumors from a left leaning blog like the Daily Kooks and then put it out on CNN or NBC as truth!!

  7. Nobody is "smearing" Sarah Palin...She is being heavily scrutinized because McCain failed to conduct a thorough investigation into her background....These issues maybe rumors but that is simply defined as a story in circulation that is yet to be confirmed...Baby-gate would have been confirmed when Bristol started showing her "baby bump", trooper-gate would have been confirmed when Sarah Palin had to show up in court, the AIP affliation would have been confirmed when a video of Sarah Palin addressing them at a conference showed up on You Tube...The way you address rumor is to confirm the parts that are true...and deny the parts that aren't true...but a strategy that works is based upon truth...if you deny (and it is confirmed that the rumor is true) then you run the risk of appearing to be a liar...and how can anyone trust you after that...

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