I just don't understand it. Perfectly healthy and capable women with healthy babies choose to have C-sections every day. Don't they realize that a natural child birth is not only better for them, but for the baby as well? With C-sections babies are more prone to breathing problems and there is normally a temporary dis-bondage between mother and child,... the mother doesn't even get to hold her baby when it's first born! Do they not know that recover is a living h**l? Every time the mother nurses her uterus contracts, and doing this with a hole in it couldn't be anything but painful. You're almost bed ridden after the baby is born and have to constantly pop pain pills,... that cannot be good for breastfeeding babies. Why go through so much more medicine, money, pain, and agony just to get the same result? I just don't get it. Are women nowadays too much of a pansy to just do it the way their bodies are intended?