
I'm confused and don't know what to do, help!?

by  |  earlier

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i've been friends with this guy for about a year now and over the past months i've started to like him and i think he likes me too cause he flirts w/me on and off and we text each other often.

Everything seemed to be going okay at first and it seemed as if we would turn into something more than just friends. We would cuddle and talk sometimes and we kissed a few times, but know things are a little weird.

Neither one of us has really talked about where we are in our relationship, but i think its because we're both shy and nervous about talking about it, although we have no problem acting on our feelings.

To the point.

Just recently, he's been trying to make me jealous, or at least i think so. Like, we were at a party and he was still flirting with me and we would do the usual things we do together, but then he would go off with some random girl and kinda flaunt her in front of me and then come running back to me.

You could tell he was doing it to make me jealous, not just to be with different girls at the party.

Anyways, my main question is how do i finally get the courage to just have a good one on one conversation with him about our relationship and what we want out of it?

How should I do it and what should I say?

I can't keep playing these mind games cause it's driving me crazy.

Thanks in advance




  1. I think you're right. He likes you but he wants you to make the first move. Kind of immature if you ask me. Anyway, write a letter to him. This way you won't have to face him and can be honest about how you feel. Mail it to him instead of just handing it to him at school. That way he'll have time to really read it and think about what you've said.

  2. Well, when you are both alone, maybe cuddling again. Just tell him you want to talk. (It's not that hard.) And when he says ok. Just start off with something. Like...."I wanted to know if this is something you (or we) want to actually make happen." Or you could just straight out ask, "Why don't we start dating? (or serious relationship, or....whatever you want it to be.) If he's doing all that with you...why not?

  3. If it's driving you crazy then just pull him aside and talk to him. You want to know and he might be confused too and this is why he is acting this way. You need peace of mind so just pull him aside and have the talk. You'll feel better after it.  

  4. he does not know you like him,

    men are basic, tell him where he stands

    all is good

    just don't expect him to just know

    think kiss

    keep it simple s****

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