
I'm confused and need help?

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I totally feel like a guy. I am just going into high school. When I was a bit younger I was a huge tomboy. I kinda changed my appearance. I dress a little more feminine. I feel like a have to protect girls. I find them attractive. I really have little interest in guys. I would want to take care of a girl, and have a girlfriend. I would do anything in the world for them. I am starting to have feelings for this girl I know. Before, I even think of saying anything to her, I want to get rid of my acne, glasses, and braces. They should all be gone by the beginning of September. I'm quite strong and masculine. I've had a boyfriend before, and it was okay. But, I am more interested in girls. What do I do? I feel very confused?




  1. Hay dear .. you still young and you can do the write thing..

    believe me i had this problem myself when i was ateen ager and someone gave me a precious advise and i'll pass it to you..

    try your best to go along with nature.. it's much better for you and for the one you love .. i was about to be bisexual but now i feel great coz im not!

    and scientifically i say as a biochemist: many serios diseases that are hard to be treated are among bisexual,lizb & g*y..

    no effence.. i do respect all ppl but im talking in a scientific way.

    you seem a good person to me.. hope you'l have a good joyful life :)  

  2. I wouldn't worry about it too much. You have your whole life ahead of you to figure it all out, you don't need to know right away.

    Being a teenager is a very confusing time. Your body is going through changes, and even your emotions and personality will change. Life will really only start to make sense once you reach about 17 or 18.

    But honestly, good on you for figuring out this much already. It took me a lot longer to get to where you are!

  3. Hang in there.  Be careful who you reveal these feelings to because that person might react very negatively and at your age your peers just arent mature enough to accept generally speaking.

  4. sounds like you already have a plan. carry it out. do what you want to do with your appearance, if you want, and then talk to her.

    you say you're confused, but there's no indication of what you're confused about in the question......? soft butch - great way to be.

  5. Please, PLEASE, talk to someone.  Look up LGBT resources in your community and call them.  It will be a hard phone call to make but you will be so happy and relieved to talk to people who can help you.  It is a difficult time in your life anyway.  You shouldn't go through your confusion alone.  Best of luck to you and don't ever let anyone tell you you can't be who you want to be.

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