
I'm confused.. can you help?

by  |  earlier

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so my dream last night made me very upset. what happened was that my boyfriend and i were getting annoyed with eachother and he said if i didnt stop being a b***h than hes gonna break up with me.

we've been together for almost a year, and we do get into mini fights every one in a while; nothing serious though.

the dream was some what real. but some parts where just unreal.

does this mean that my boyfriend and i are going to break up?




  1. it doesnt mean nothing...

    its just you thinkin that it will happen and about your fights that you dream of that...

    but dont let it happen...

    you control reality...

    (some of it..)

    dont let that dream come true....


  2. No.

    At least, you won't break up because of that dream.

    All couples have fights every once in a while. They can be big, or small. Reasonable or unreasonable. Either way, just because you had a dream about you two breaking up does NOT mean that you are going to break up in real life. If you let that dream worry you too much, then yes, you may let it take control of your relationship until the both of you break up.

    Forget about the dream and everything should work out. If you two were meant to break up, you will. If you are meant to be together, you'll stay together. Don't let a silly dream worry you. :)

    Good luck!

  3. The dream suggests that there are some unhealthy aspects to your relationship.  Dreams do not predict anything, they just reflect events and your feelings about the events.   I would suggest the two of you sit down and discuss these matters.

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