
I'm confused in my Geology class. Help?!?

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We're learning the Earth is chemically divided into different layers. What layer is h**l on? It doesn't say anything about this in my textbook.




  1. The outer part at least in the larger cities. The crust especially in Phoenix Arizona where there are two seasons Summer and h**l.

  2. h**l resides within the Lithosphere, specifically Livingston county Michigan, USA.

  3. They didn't put "h**l" in your text book because people don't all believe in the same thing and it is supposed to be non-religious.

    If you are asking where all the magma is and all that hot gooey stuff in is in the inner core way way inside of the Earth. Mantle and the Outer Core also have lava like magma too.  

    How do you know h**l exsits? What if it is on Venus? There is no such thing. You maybe confused on the layers of the Earth. See the link below and do well in your Geology class and study hard!

  4. Heaven and h**l are not places that living humans beings will ever find.

    No one really knows what h**l is like. It has been described by people who have not been there as everything from flames to a frozen lake (Dante).

    h**l is the state of complete and final self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed, reserved for those who refuse by their own free choice to believe and be converted from sin, even to the end of their lives

    I like to think of it this way. The only way a person will go to h**l is if they want to.

    God in His (or Her) unlimited love has given us free will to choose. Our most important choice is to freely decide to accept or reject God's constant offer of spending eternity with Him in heaven. God will respect the choice to reject Him.

    For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 1033-1037:

    With love in Christ.

  5. The Earth's core can reach up to 4,000 degrees Celsius.  It is hotter than h**l.


  6. It's in the tropics.

    Especially above the Tropic of Cancer.

  7. You are learning science - you should now start to put away the myths.

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