
I'm confused on if I had herpes or a yeast infection?

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A few weeks ago I started itching and burning down there. At first I thought it was a yeast infection but in my mind I had just had s*x with someone. I get yeast infections a lot so I didn't think anything of it expect it really itched. I used the monistat 7 and within a week it was gone. Now is it true that if you have herpes that monistat would make it worse. If that's the case I think i'm fine but i'm still worried. I didn't have blisters but I had raw skin on the side where I, well, wipe after using the bath room. It was a little swollen but I think that's because the yeast infection was so bad. I'm mostly worried because every site says that most women think they are having a yeast infection and they haved herpes. But i'm mostly asking about the monistat thing. Sorry if I was confusing




  1. If you have herpes, monistat will help the symptoms of it or almost any other STD for awhile making you think all you had was a yest infection, but if it's herpes, it will come back. The only way to know for sure is to get tested for everything. It could have been a simple yeast infection or it could be something else and the yeast infection treatment could have suppressed your symptoms for now making you think that's all it was.

  2. pretty sure you are fine.

    happened to me, and iwas freakin that it was herpes but i went to the er and basically got tests and i was fine. and it was a BAD yeast infection....with the inflamness and all so i think you will be fine. but as always....its best to be sure.  

  3. Yeast Infection

    This article is for reference only. Yeast infections go beyond the scope of allergies, the main focus of this site.

    A yeast infection is an overgrowth of candida (a strain of yeast) in some part of the body. Some level of candida growth in the body is normal, for example on the skin, in the mouth, diaper rash etc.

    This is a post on the genital herpes board:"have recently given my boyfriend herpes, in which he was a ware that i had. before he contracted the virus he didn't have a problem with pleasuring me. he has now backed off completely say that since it is a skin virus he's scared of an out bread on his face. is this something to worry about. could he have a out bread on his face." This was the reply:"

  4. Herpes is raw open sores initially. It more than itches.

    You can get a blood test. Say you want that test. Its confidential.

    The doctor is not in the business of judging, but giving care.  

  5. i would go to the dr and just say your going for a yeast infection see what they say the raw may also be from you itching cause mine did that once and monistat will make it burn where its raw!!! hope this helps i think your fine it take herpes awhile to show signs i asked the dr before that's why your supposed to get checked once a year!!

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