
I'm confused on this aspect of the quran...?

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Surah 28:

1. Ta. Sin. Min

2. These are verses of the book that makes (things) clear


I'm confused already. Noone knows what Ta.Sin.Mim means (I've asked before), but the next ayat says these verses are clear. How is it clear when noone knows what these letters are for or what they mean?




  1. I dunno about you , but i find it really intriguing that God is a little mysterious in the Quran . What , you want to know every single thing ? where is the fun in that ? The otherworldly quality in the Quran is what so special about it . No human would come up with some thing like that , Ta Sin Mim. It's kinda wierd but , at the same time really inspiring and refreshing . But thats' just me , i like wierd stuff.

    And a believer is a beleiver , muslim or not ( whatever that means) . The righteous shall not grieve and shall eneter paradise is what the Quran says , so lets take the Quran's word for it then . I don't believe in punishment in the grave or that bridge over h**l stuff cos i don't accept Hadiths , only the Quran .

    There will always diff interpretations, but as long as long it doesn't cause harm then i'll relatively neutral towards it , but when a muslim says that someone shud be stoned to death by God's order whilst it isn't written in the Quran then i  don't see why i shud keep my mouth shut about it .

  2. 1400 years ago, many verses of the Quran weren't fully understood and no one knew what they really meant. However, science could explain many of those verses.. and those verses now are considered miracles and proof that the Quran is a book for Allah (subhanaho wa ta'ala)

    the Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them all) never complained and neither should we as such verse may be explained or understood later in life. they may be explained in our lives and they may be explained long after we die.

    the bottom line: There are many proofs that the Quran is from Allah (subhanaho wa ta'ala), and such proofs make us confident that those verses are important but we just don't get it right now.

  3. The message that Quran carries is crystal clear.

    Had Quran left any ambuguity in monothesim, Prophethood, Life after death, The Hour etc??

    It does not guarantee that each and every verse is clear for everyone. Read here..

    هُوَ الَّذِيَ أَنزَلَ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ مِنْهُ آيَاتٌ مُّحْكَمَاتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْكِتَابِ وَأُخَرُ مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ في قُلُوبِهِمْ زَيْغٌ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُ ابْتِغَاء الْفِتْنَةِ وَابْتِغَاء تَأْوِيلِهِ وَمَا يَعْلَمُ تَأْوِيلَهُ إِلاَّ اللّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ يَقُولُونَ آمَنَّا بِهِ كُلٌّ مِّنْ عِندِ رَبِّنَا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلاَّ أُوْلُواْ الألْبَابِ

    3:7 He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.

    Edit: there is difference between, confusion and denial. You are talking about denial not confusion. Futher, What   is required to know us for being a righteous servant is still crystal clear. There can be confusion on hundreads of issues, but that confusion arises when people tries to understand Quran beyond Quran.

    For example, take Surah burooj. This surah talks about "Ashabul Ukhdood" or people of ditch. Now, there can be confusion in understanding who really were people of ditch. But, objective of this surah is not to tell about who really were people of ditch. This surah is to convey a message which it has done properly. In the same the confusion arises when people tries to understand Quran more than what Quran is conveying.

    I am not against attempt of scholars who tried to give more details of Quran from their knowledge, but that should not be treated as Quran itself.

  4. The vesrses are clear mean .....whole Qur'an.. not that particular verses.

    I have a Answer for this from Dr.Zakir Naik.

    Q. Why do certain Surahs in the Qur’an begin with Alif Laam Meem, Haa Meem, Yaa Seen. What is the significance of such terms or phrases?

    A. 1. Abbreviated Letters

    Alif Laam Meem, Ya Seen, Ha Meem’, etc. are known as Al-Muqattaat i.e. the abbreviated letters. There are 29 letters in the Arabic Alphabet (if hamza and alif are considered as two letters) and there are 29 surahs i.e. chapters in the Glorious Qur’an that have the abbreviated letters prefixed to them. These abbreviated letters some times occur alone, sometimes in a combination of two letters and sometimes in a combination of three, four or five letters.

    a. Three surahs are pre-fixed with only one letter:

    (i) Surah Sad chapter 38 with Sad

    (ii) Surah Qaf chapter 50 with Qaf

    (iii) Surah Nun or Qalam chapter 68 with Nun

    b. The combination of two letters occurs in 10 surahs:

    Three of them occur only once each:

    (i) Surah Ta Ha chapter 20 has Ta Ha

    (ii) Surah Al Naml starting with chapter 27 has Ta Seen

    (iii) Surah Ya Seen chapter 36 has Ya Seen

    Ha Meem occurs in seven consecutive Surahs from Surah 40 to Surah 46:

    (i) Surah Ghafir or Al-Mu’min chapter 40

    (ii) Surah Fussilat or Ha Meem chapter 41

    (iii) Surah Al Shura chapter 42

    (iv) Surah Al Zukhruf chapter 43

    (v) Surah Al Dukhan chapter 44

    (vi) Surah Al Jathiyah chapter 45

    (vii) Surah Al Ahqaf chapter 46

    c. There are three combinations of three letters each occurring in 14 surahs.

    Alif Laam Meem occurs in six surahs

    (i) Surah Al Baqarah chapter 2

    (ii) Surah Ali ‘Imran chapter 3

    (iii) Surah Al ‘Ankabut chapter 29

    (iv) Surah Al Rum chapter 30

    (v) Surah Luqman chapter 31

    (vi) Surah Al Sajdah chapter 32

    Alif Laam Ra occurs in six consecutive surahs: Surah 10 to Surah 15:

    (i) Surah Yunus chapter 10

    (ii) Surah Hud chapter 11

    (iii) Surah Yusuf chapter 12

    (iv) Surah Al Rad chapter 13

    (v) Surah


  5. very simple we do good we get good, some pays for bad then get the good, Allah is the judge of judges.  

  6. There are 29 chapters of Quran that start with such Initials. In Arabic and in Urdu they are called "Huroof-e-Muqattat".

    It was a 100% accepted FACT for the last 1400 yeas, that these initials were a mystery and NOTHING was known about their significance. All that was said was that they are a BIG secret.

    It was 1974, when an Egyptian Chemist (Rashad Khalifa) working in USA, deciphered the secret behind these initials. He was translating the Quran on his own, as he discovered vast corruptions in its translations by the translators. And was disturbed and so pledged that he would translate it in all honesty for the benefit of 1) his children and 2) public in general. While the translation, he stumped on the initials and then in about 4 years time he deciphered the secret behind the initials with the help of computer. His first publication regarding the secret behind these initials surfaced in 1974.

    The secret behind these initials in the MOST shortest form is "Code-19". Every element in the Quran is built around the PRIME number of 19. The same is mentioned in the chapter 74. e.g. 74:30 to 74:35.

    It is also pertinent to note that the year (solar) of this discovery is 1974 i.e.  19 (code) + 74 (the chapter where it is mentioned). Not only that even the Lunar year in 1974 is also a multiple of 19.

    Each element of the Quran occurs in it in a multiple of 19 times. For example if you take a short surah "Q"  (pronounced as Qaaf). Then the letter "Q" in it occurs 57 times e.g. 57 = 19 x 3.

    Similarly for the chapters which have "T", "S", "M", as common initials. Then if one takes all of these chapters and counts ALL the "T", "S" and "M"s in them the TOTAL will be a multiple of 19.

    Note:   There are 7 versions of the Quran. "ONLY" one version (Hafs), exhibits this phenomena. ALL others fail. They can be considered as the different recitations (They differ in spellings of certain words and numbering of verses.).

    Similarly, let us see a FEW of the short things which should be verifiable by the readers without much effort:

    1-  The first opening sentence (verse) of Quran is "Bismillah". In Arabic text, this sentence is composed of precisely 19 letters.

    2-  The number of chapters of Quran is 114 = 19 x 6

    3-  All the words used in Bismillah (opening verse) e.g. "Ism", "Allah", "Rahman", "Raheem", occur in MULTIPLES of 19 in the ENTIRE Quran.

    4-  If one adds up the verse numbers of the verses where the name "Allah" is mentioned the number that will come out will be 118,123 = 19 x 6217.

    5-  The total number of "Bismillah"s in the Quran is 114 (19 x 6), despite its absence before chapter 9.

    6-  The total number of verses in the Quran (Numbered and Un-Numbered)  = 6346 = 19 x 334,  Note: 6+3+4+6 = 19.


    You may find the details of this miracle on some sites, but MAINLY on:

    and some also on:

    Also read an article of "Edip Yuksel" on:

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