
I'm confused on what to do?

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Ok I have a roommate that's female (i'm male). We dated 3 years ago and just dropped contact. Then we started talking about a year ago and she ended up needing help and moved in with me. My friends have been pushing me to ask her out again, and for the past 3 months I've refused. She just doesn't seem interested in me. We flirt some, insult each other jokingly, I get hit a lot, we play fight. I've told her a few times that I'm considering just staying single till I finish college, and she's made sure to tell me that she's not looking for a boyfriend for a while till she gets her life straightened out, but if a relationship happens then it happens. We've had a few conversations about what kind of guys she likes, she pretty much describes my personality, but she's dated a lot of guys that have the same personality as me that treated her horribly.

She has a child (not mine) and I'm having a lot of fun with the two of them. I really care about her daughter, and I'm starting to develop feeling for my roommate. Though she tells me she doesn't want a boyfriend, she's still flirting with me. It's s******g with my head.

I know the advice I always give people is to just tell the person how you feel. The problem here is we still have 9 more months of lease to go through and it could make things weird.

I just don't know what to do. Anyone have any advice?




  1. I think she is just hiding her feelings. I think you should just make a move on her. What's the worst that could happen? You 2 seem to know each other well, and seem like if you will make a good couple. So i think you should try to make something out of it.  

  2. I think you should keep the "roommate-level" for some more time and see how things develop in the next weeks, because telling her how you feel at that point could make things REALLY weird between the two of you and could make living together uncomfortable just like you said!

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