
I'm confused??

by  |  earlier

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ok my friend she called me, and her younger friend was like ya u said Janey is a pain in the *** and also u said Janey is a piece of c**p and u said Amy was a slu t and u said Janey stuffs her bra and u make amy feel bad or watever, and she started this stupid clique thing and i was in it and there was a rule that we had to do everything together if were not busy and janey and amy both broke that rule the past like couple weeks, and i feel like there not my friends after wat they said today,

wat should i do?




  1. nothuing leave it alone iggnore them and try to stay out of it so things dont heat up

  2. Just stay out of it.  But, if you really did say these things about these people, I would appoliges.  And if they don't believe you, try your best to prove that you didn't.  If they are being unreasonable, walk away and say something like "I don't have time for this."  Unless you really did say it.

  3. im confused now......

  4. Get new friends that are morE MATURE!!!

    and stay out of drama!!

  5. Does your clique also have a rule against using punctuation?  I could barely follow your question.  But if you want to know what I think you should do it's this:

    1)  Grow up

    2)  Learn how to write coherently

    3)  Don't get embroiled in teen drama

  6. Talk it out with them.

  7. Ah, one day soon you'll forget about the intrigue of middle-school and wonder how you ever got so stressed about who said what when and how they sorta said it and if they flipped their hair or not when they did and how they sort of rolled their eyes and...

    If Amy and Janey are your friends, they're your friends. Don't care what your clique says. Do what you feel like doing and s***w the rest of them.

    And "tag along" along just means she wants to come with you.

  8. Sounds like typical teenage behaviour, I went trhough this too. There is always going to be the "queen bee" who thinks she rules everything. I had a "queen bee" in my group, until one day we all got sick of her c**p and ordering us around and gossiping about all of us behind our back, and we finally did something about it, and stopped hanging out with her.

    Don't let people push you around and feel like c**p when they are supposed to be your friends, find people to hang around with that are going to treat you as an equal, trust me, I'm not even friends with the same people I was back in highschool cause I found some real friends, that I am still friends with now 7 years after graduating.

  9. i think you should just tell your friends to grow up.

    ohh the drama.

  10. First with the additional details-4get what happened in the past.

    So this younger friend is falsely accusing you? If so find some new friends!

    Or if you did accuse and that stuff about Janey and Amy then you need to apologize!

    Remember that you dont have to be limited to just Janey and Amy, I suggest reaching out to other girls you know and getting some new friends
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