
I'm confused there are so many other more experienced, more accomplish candidate than Palin. Why her ?

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Even on the women stand point there about a dozen women better qualified than YOUNG Palin. She just started running alaska, for peak sake . Why her ?




  1. The same reason Obama got the nomination.

  2. Now compare that with the thousands of intelligent people who are much better qualified than the illusionist O Bamba.

  3. Yep, I'd say you are confused.

    Take two classes in American History and Politics and then post another question.

  4. ...she does believe in what she says..i guess that should say something..

  5. It's possible that he's hoping to court women voters, perhaps thinking that those female voters who wanted to elect Hillary will now vote for him because he has a female vice president. Perhaps to some people the election is more about gender and race than the issues, so they're willing to vote for someone because they're black, a woman, or white. I imagine those may be exactly the people McCain is hoping to pick up.

    It may also be possible that the shock of picking an inexperienced, and relatively unknown woman was enough to capture the media attention from the DNC and put the spotlight back on the Republicans. If that's the case it's rather short-sighted, but it might be enough to put the spotlight on McCain at a critical time in the election.

    What's interesting is the fact that Palin didn't seem to anticipate her own nomination. Only one week before being nominated she asked "what exactly does a vice president do?" on CNBC.

  6. For peak sake?  Who is peak?  Don't you mean, For Pete's sake?  Anyway, McCain is a maverick, a reformer, one of the two most independent people in the U.S. Senate.  He naturally picked someone as a running mate who is also a maverick, very independent, a reformer, even a whistle blower against someone in her own party.

  7. "for peak sake:"???  I think you mean "for Pete's sake".

  8. She's exactly who we need in the VP position.   She's not from that good ole boy elite group on Capital Hill.    

    Do some research and you will see why.

    Oh its not peak sake it's pete's sake

  9. Mc Cainn is drowning and looking for any magic trick to help him.... but it ain't working... he's going down

  10. Because she has her priorities straight.

  11. Palin's accomplishments are HUGE.

    Palin  reformed massive corruption in her own Party in Alaska. Who else has done that ?

    Palin  rooted out  big corruption in the oil industry. Who else has done that ?

    Additionally.....Palin adds a dimension to McCain's Ticket that Obama REFUSED to add to his Ticket = A WOMAN & " CHANGE "  

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