
I'm confused with Plan B?

by  |  earlier

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I took plan B about a week ago, and I've taken it before. I thought I got my period yesterday. I had cramps and every other symptom of a normal period. Except today, it appears to have "stopped". Did I get my period? Or am I still at "risk" to be pregnant?




  1. plan b only works 75% of the time when used perfectly. You could be pregnant or the pill just messed up your cycle. Take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.  

  2. Same thing happened to me. Your fine. Your not pregnant ok. Plan B can make you miss a period but you will still have the symptoms. Really your fine. Go get a blood test if your not sure.  

  3. Plan B is effective in 7 out of 8 women who use it correctly.  You could be that one...

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